Monday, December 31
and welcome me back to blogging :D
i think my blog had been stranded for 2 mth plus plus ):
it's getting harder and harder and harder to get a nice blogskin ):
i'd been browsing thru an hour plus and i still cant get any nice blogskin .
tsktsk .
went bugis today :D
with dearest , and damn .
i dont know what happened to us ,
he made me pissed and i made him angry .
the whole journey was like that .
i think lady love wasnt with us today ):
went for a bag hunt ,
but unsuccessful ):
no new stocks , i would be guilty if jin listened to me .
lols , cus that lady shopkeeper told me mid dec would have new goods but until now ,
uh-uh , not at all ):
went over to j8 - 77th street .
so decided to go for billabong !
yeaaaahhhh :D
a new year present for myself ;D plus a tortise to accompany my new bag !
i know this sound real childish :x
the new billabong and i hoped it is really new arrival is sliver and white .
but bro said my bag made me look like tortise ,
it would be better for me to carry the 'emo bag'
hawhaw .
but i believe my taste uh? :O
school's starting in another 2 more days ,
and i'm afraid of teachers .
i know this sounds not very convincing .
but i'd got a fear for mrs raja ):
my new form teacher .
and co-form is mr peng .
how lucky can i be ?
i'm afraid first day of sch i'm not able to wake up ,
and my extended hair get caught by very very very strict de mrs raja .
tsktsk .
constance constance , you'll be fine oki ? :
and i want to be know as 'den den'
its not pronounce as 'ten'
umm , is dernnnnn dernnnn .
hawhawhaw .
evil laughs :
i should be heading to jurong point in the afternoon tmr ,
and heading to 325 for countdown with family .
dearest going vivo without me ):
hawhaw ,
i dont really wanna go and touched by bangala :/
and my mistress wanna come my hse and acc me .
lol lol , which is definitely impossible !
watched [ i am legend ] ,
rating 2/5
except for those suddens loud bangs and scares the wits out of mistress ,
the movie is kinda boring ,
and no storyline .
enjoyed the movie with mistress .
mrt-ed all the way to marina bay to get seats ,
lame mistress ! then challenged pool with mistress ,
and mistress won ): when it was my phone's game .
xoxo mistress :D
okays , i'll update my friendster soon !
pls continue to tag my blog !
xoxo .
happy new year ' 2008
Sunday, December 16
i need not work after 1 more week of working !
hahaha !
that means it wuld be saddening cus i cannot see 'psst' anymore ):
okays , that's indeed very very sad .
but in exchange , i have more time for shopping !
hurray :D
i wuld have time to go bugis with jieting !
double yayness :D:D:D:D
and i extended my hair !
it may look very weird ,
but . i really lyk it :D
will post up pic of my extend-ed hair :x
and i really need time to change and update my blogggg ! ):
all right , shall stop here !
i miss tzeyen ,
no more tuition-ing with you .
i'm stuck with jethro ):
hohoho .
Sunday, December 9
S.I is love :D
hahaha !
i'm gonna buy a backpack during mid dec ,
anyone goingggg buy ?
it's in bugis , new stock new stock !
i need $ for shopping ):
yawns , it's been getting bored at work .
everyday , you see same old ppl .
thn new things happen ,
i mean my cousin and her love or i-dont-knw-what-relationship-they-are .
LOLs , they're compatiable(?)
i kinda pissed off by one singapore ,
ai qin you ai pee - translate in hokkien .
she asked me
:'what do you use a cup for?'
ok , see which clever ppl can tell me ans .
__ use cup as astray ?
hell !
okays , it's TYPICAL singaporean i repeat .
i miss s* life .
i dont wna you changed cus of me ,.
it's not fair .
i knw , it's really not fair .
__ meeee .
i nid C* now .
byeeeeeees !
Saturday, December 1
i'm super tired after work right now ,
but my blog is super dead ! :/
i'm damn damn damn satisfied with today's sales !
we reached 125$ !
hawhawhaaa .
feeling proud of it (:
and over there ,
there's this shuai ge ,
and my cousin fancy him :x
they got to knw each other okayyyyyys !
hawhawhaw .
wonder if they can kai hua jie guo :x
both waiting for O's result ! :D
went for SL camp for 2 days only ,
the last day dint manage to go because i went for work ! ):
and it's a last min thing !
wahhhhhlaoooooo .
thn my grp members are : bryon , zixin , gerlyn , yeong seng and meeeee !
they rock can :D and we won our amazing race !
first placeeeeee :D
amazing race in sentosa is very very very shiok :D
i dint went sentosa for a long timeeee !
shiok shiok shiok !
anyone jio me go sentosa ? :x
LOLs !
i love reading meg carbot bks !
i read princess diaries already ! (roxie, i read alr! :D)
currently reading cathy hopskins bk :D
and probably i will be taking 101 for nxt yr oritention :}
okayyyys ! byeeees ! let me see if i can cope ant pic from racheal laogong's blog ! :}
tata !
Saturday, November 24
i guess every girl is like this uh .
being sensitive is what girls should do .
i'm not G-woman , nor a superwoman .
eeeeeewwws .
moodswings just sucked ):
i miss bffs ):
i miss talking in msn with you till late nights ,
all those laughters ,
are now missing .
i could no longer find them anymore .
i miss the braggings ,
i miss the you .
i wanna forget everything ,
and only that sweetest moment with you .
goodbye moodswings , hello nightmares !
okays , moodswings do sucked ):
Tuesday, November 20
cus dear came my hse and everyone in the family saw him :D
lyk thousands and millions and zillions of happiness :D
double yayness :D:D:D
shall elaborate from saturday :D
dear came and fetch me from work and we went to plaza sing ,
went gaigai and saw 1 bigbig christmas tree !
dint took photo of it as i was rushing home ,
and a lot of tourist over there . so :/
after that went to cold storage , ( pls dont say i lyk to shop in supermart , it's ALVIN who wna shop :D )
bought some stuff for himself , and ate kfc etc .
da bao-ed , and went to look for mum at her workplace .
so dear siao siao wanted to came along ,
he somemore act gentleman said want to help me carry my bag to give my mum a GOOD impression altho his face is lyk minus half of the marks alr !
hahaha :x
then mum smile to him and her friends said we have husband-and-wife look which is impossible , i dont have a red face or a pimple face ! hohoho :x
homed :D
sunday went working ,
half day only .
and the sales was great ! almost hit 90$ :D
i hope the stall can carry on with this kinda sales so that it culd last and i dont have to worry abt money ^^ hehex .
all right .
sorry ppl for not giving a notice of whr i worked :x
i work at ,
oki , i shall tell you how to go from mrt :D
take a mrt to somerset station ,
get down and you follow the crowd :D
if there's no crowd , that means you are suay ): jk man !
then you will have to turn left after you see construction thingy ,
and you will see bigbig television and you cross the road .
after you cross , turn left , walk straight all the way until you see starbucks ,
walked in all the way until some american food or australian food ,
then you wuld see pushcarts over there .
you wuld see me straight if you culd see pushcarts ! :D
so , you culd call me if you lost your way :D
take my hp number in msn if you dont have :D
and there's BIG sales from this wk ,
watches selling at 8$ only !!!!
there's addidas look-alike , bling bling watches ant etc !
pls come and give me your support !!! (:
thank you in advanced !
or you can visit for more :D
monday -
went sch to buy books and cleared my locker !
ng jin , jasmine wong and bhareth books are still inside my locker ,
but i dint lock it ,
so you can go retrieve you things whenever you're free !
books weighs a hundred kilos .
but luckily my papa drive me !
i wuld die man , of carrying those bks to sch and back home ):
after that homed ,
and went out with dear to novena !
before that , went his hse ,
and he's damn tired and still insist of pei-ing me go !
so i'm miss good , asked him to take a quick nap while i play my psp !
he's damn diff to ask him wake up luhhhhhhsxz ):
after that , ard 8 plus went homed .
dear wna come my hse to exchange phone too ,
so he came and left at 10 plus :D
doubleeeeee yayness !
all right ! do rmb visit !
i miss you badly ):
see 2o6 tmr in chalet !
i'm not staying overnight too !
working nxt day ! see and looking forwardddddd :D
Wednesday, November 14
everyday was lyk ,
super urber tired after work !
once homed , dinner thn fell asleep .
so this would be a quick post :D
umm ,
working is sucky ,
but money comes from there .
when you seat thr for 8 or more hours ,
with NOTHING you can do practically , ( lyk having a computer , watching tv )
you dont have THESE everyday :\
ohhhh , HOLY ):
business is getting better and better each day !
boss asked us to keep it up :x
LOLs .
oki , i super irritated by typical singaporeans !
i'd got one example ,
this particle auntie working at OG came to the stall to buy umbrella ,
so there's rainbow colours , so she went , poof poof !
opened all the umbrellas , in the end .
she only bought ONE , which she OPENED in the begining .
YOU SEE , how diff it is to fold the umbrellas back and look lyk its a new one .
troublesome lehhhsxz D:
fine , i wuld tolerate for the sake of my pay ! grhhs .
thr's one super shuai guy working at centre point building !
somemore he wear suit lehhhhhhxsz . ((((:
saw zixin , smurf , jackyln , danielle , ms jone foo , mdm normilla , that W*teacher that set the maths paper so diff ! , mrs chua , muthu and other deyians and teachers !
hahaha , they were heading for holiday inn for the prom night ,
but dint see a lot of them dolling !
hawhaw .
i dont knw how to use face book man , damn diff ! ):
and i wuld update every 2 or 3 days bahs .
sorry :D
dear get well soon :D
sry cannot be there for you ):
maybe you went redhouse ,
that's why that mormor accompany you home !
hawhaw :x
bye ppl ;D
replies to tags :}
ethel } thanks ! and updated ^^ free must come somerset find me , wad time you working ??
ShiPei } hello jie ! (: thanks ! show 2 post cus will look nicer mah , haha . i prefer it this way more neat ! :D
MIMI } hello jie (:
tzy ((: } is vitamin c - graduation song :D as we go on , lalalala :D
shanaz } i miss honey too :D i got in 3o7 ! hahaha :D
biying } staying at home now is MY WISH man ):
roxie } you mean the hearts make my face look pimple ? :/ o.o so it's not a touch screen ! but it's super nice looking ryt ? :D
JinHui ★ } okok ,. i saved it first! NXT post will be on that ;D takecare too super dear :D
Friday, November 9
Tuesday, November 6
like 1000000 yrs i dint went for it :}
and mr zaman kinda dislike me ,
in the case of my skills , etc etc ):
you must understand leh , i went soccer after 1000000 yrs ,
long long time nvr touch the ball alr :\
finefine , i'll prove it to you ! humph :@
after training , went hiang kai kai with dear :}
sat at block , long long time since we did that :D
hah , kinda watch sunset at HDB !
lyk wth :\
from sun hvn set stayed until sunset , LOLs .
homed :D
i wna go out and have some fun :]
i wna go out and shake all day :}
i wna workworkwork & shopshopshop :
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry is only i could say now ,
i dont have anymore courage to talk to you anymore .
lyk finally :D
i think i'd got serious double character ):
i can be so sad at a moment ,
thn laughing in front of television .
ltr on , i will do my word search .
thn start to think a lot again ,
cant help it ,
but just think ):
okays , byebye !
it's late get some sleepppp :D
thanks shermin for the code !
Sunday, November 4
imma loser in relationship .
the cause of you leaving me is myself ,
pain causing myself to hurt .
i wuld always rmb the memories ,
the times you fetch me back from my football match ,
you brought me to see our ring .
the times when we first hold hands ,
and on bus 88 .
i went sbc to see your matches , then those times when we were out .
it's always me who start the quarrel and you end the quarrel .
by a simple saying sorry ,
maybe it's all my fault .
i want to hold on ,
i'm not scare of sufferings with you .
i just wanna stay old with you .
sorry , can i be forgiven ?
where was the forever we promised ytd ?
sighs ,
baby please come back ?
please ? ..
i want our love to be the same , just lyk before ..
Saturday, November 3
back to a proper post !
i'm soooo carried away & busy in all the things !
have to stick price tags & tags and tags everyday when new goods arrive ): roars*
gotta take care of grandma cus she's sick and had a bad fall ytd night ):
make my heart felt sooooooo pain ):
cus i've nvr been a good & filial grand daughter ):
and dear nvr had any proper rest ! grhhhs .
went cuppage ytd to take the keys , together with dearrrrr !
come support me ppl ! (:
and it was first time i can tell mummy ,
' i go with my boyfriend '
double yay :D
thn went to check ard the push cart & wipe wipe wipe the push carts :D
dear talked to my bro toooooo :D
but dear is one humji can ! ask him to talk to the contractor on phone he dont dare .
HUMJI dear ! humphs :@
went walked ard & had lunch & quarrel again ,
he's damn sucker lahhhhh , dota dota !
hate the person who create dota this gameeee ! :@
that's abt it !
byebyebyebye ! (:
i want to watch a sunset ):
replies to tags }
thipy } meet up soon ! last long with you bee :D lovesloves .
Jinhui★ } thanks ! 3o7 is a stress to be ~ hahaha :x takecareeeee & loveeeees !
biying } haha , cus you cannot win me mah , must attract your attention to it :x
alvin } see first lorrrr , you think i want to quarrel one mehhhhhxsxs ): quit your dota and i'll be fine :D sry is nothing one luhs ! i told you millions times ! humphs :@ humji !
MaReeSa* } suresure , by then i will accompany you chat till midnight man ! hahaha ;D yes , a pig will nvr change its habit of eating shit T^T hahaha !
tZY ((: } is a go your blog cope de ;x hehehex , going change soon & skin soon ! ^^
Ethel } ETHEL monicaCHENG ! hahaha ! oki lahhhh ! SOON oki ! and the CHALET ! faster faster plannnnnn ! :D
deon } relinked :D i miss you honeyyyy !
ShiPei } hellooooo jie ! (: xoxo
Friday, November 2
Wednesday, October 31
: yes , she's 142 i'm 153 ! high heels do their jobs :D
2 . What color is your shower curtain?
: dont have , plain cartoon lyk spongebob will be fine ^^
3. What is the closest thing to you
: boyfriend , friends & my 'pipi'
4. What is your ringtone?
: yi ran shi peng you
5. Does anything hurt on your bodyright now?
: heart :/
6 . What color is your favorite pillow?
: worn out pink colour :D
7. What is your favorite video game?
: sally's salon & diner dash & cake mania :D
8. Had a nap today?
: nopeeee
9. Gold or Silver?
: gold :D
10. What creeps you out?
: ghost stories ):
11. Who was the last person you rodean elevator with?
: wai po & da yi & mummy :D
12. Did you go ice skating as a kid?
: nope , i scare i will fall :/
13. Ever have stitches?
: nope , i'm healthy ! :x
14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
: peach tea packet ! all time fav :D
15. How long ago did you hug someone?
: today ! hug biying :D
16. What's something you want to do before you die?
: close eyes :D
1 7. Have you ever caught something on fire?
: yes , candles !
18. Have you ever seen a ghost?
: yes ! primary sch girls toilet ):
19. Have you ever seen northern lights?
: what's that gawd ?
20. Do you know how to use chop sticks?
: i'm a chinese :D
21. Name something good that happened today.
: got in thriple maths class and met dear ^^
22. What room are you in?
: bro's room ! my sleeping room too :D
23. Are you worried about something you can't control?
: time , boyfriend , love , money , attitude etc ..
24. Do you take daily medications?
: sort of , when i have rashes :{
25. Ever been in a fight?
: almost every alternate day ! sorry dear ):
26. Are you wearing nail polish?
: yes , shiny & protective coat :D
27 . What time is it?
: tiger time :D
28 . Innie or Outie?
: innie ? iner self beauty :D
29. Ever used a Ouija board?
: what's that ? .. alien board ? LOLs .
30. Sweet or Sour?
: sweet and sour at times :D
31 . Sun or Moon?
: sun , i'm watching sunset tmr ! :D
32. Favorite eye color of the opposite sex?
: sexy red :D but no one has it :x
33. Time of day you were born?
: 1231
34. Do you know your blood type?
: ab+ ; abnormal ! haha !
35. Do you know how to kill a zombie?
: take a tailman and stick on its forehead and kick the kuku ! :D
36.What would you spend 5,000 dollars on right now if you were handed it?
: give papa to do a proper health check , shopping , upgrade phone , new com , thailand !
37. Name something annoying in public transit.
: ppl kip kicking the chair in bus
38. Which animal(s) remind you of yourself?
: pig :x
39 . What's your background on your pc?
: with turtle ;D
40. Did you grow up in the city or country?
: city :D make any diff meh ?
41. Would you ever consider going on areality tv show if offered a large sum of money?!
: yes , i want to get famous . jk man ;x
42. Have you flown in your dreams?
: daydream ? most of the times !
43. What's one thing you're really good at cooking?
: real delicious maggie mee :D
44. Kisses or hugs?
: both are equally sweet !
45. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store. What would you get?
: sweets , soft drinks , tibits , notebook , plaster ! ;D
46. Slurpee flavor?
: apple & coke
mareesa's quiz :D
i got in 3o7 !
all the best to me :D
loves ;D
Tuesday, October 30
double yaaaaaaayness !
seems like i dont really update much but ,
biying , you wont win me by this number :x
dint went for training today ):
real sorry captain !
cus i tot daddy needed me to look after him because he had appentits(?)
i not suuure ,
but it was real serious last night ,
due to his stubborness , he dint want to go hospital !
i was very scare lahhhh ! almost cried !
cus seeing his facial expression lyk 'ouuuu , very pain very pain'
my heart also pain ! thanks dear ! he comforted me :D
so daddy's all right today , for a time being probably .
cus it will eract any moments ! :/
after a good night rest , woke up & wai po came my hse :D
together with da yi :D
soooooo they woke me up due to their 'meeting' .
thn we went to eat thn went amkhub !
i was wearing t-shirt & wad-ever pants you called that ! :/
sooooo , went bank to settle some of waipo's thingy thn we went home !
bath & met them again !
we went tpy to have our dimsum ,
but the dimsum service is :/
and the dimsum dont really taste nice ):
we went walking ard , & i bought a long sleeves dress :D
had desert and went home !
i saw darylene , adeline , shaobeng , jingyang , wister , hongyi , kenneth ! :D
pray and hoped that the streaming results tmr wuld be a good one :D
followed by is 1 nov and i'm going out with jiarui korrrrr :D
i'm going to have a spar with him !
hahaha ! cus he said he's fighter lyk :/
i think he more lyk a punching bag :D
and he said he played dota one when i asked him where he played -.-
okiiiii , tata ! bring back photos tmr ,
last last photo time D:
iloveyoudear ,
and so sry of these few days ):
shown you sooooo much attitude !
iloveyoudear (:
116days alreadyyyy !
Sunday, October 28
same as dear (:
but , my mother dont allow meeeeee to dye ! ):
cus my hair is unhealthy ,
if i dye would make it moreeeee unhealthy ):
hais , byebye reddish brown hair T__T
went to j8 library today with dear !
to return the story bk that i dint read finish !
hahaha .
return then went to ntuc buy dear's hairdye !
reddish brown !
thn after that went sweet-talk for a drink , old chang kee :D
cabbed to dear's home to help him dye hair !
im sooooooe envious can ):
dyedyedye then help him wash hair !
he lyk nvr let mama wash his hair before lyk that !
hahaha , when i scratch his head keep complaining pain ,
si ah gua :x
used com & he talked to huiqi ,
LOLs , and told huiqi he dyed hair ,
shit colour ! then dear jiu say i lyk shit ,
meaning he is shit ryt ?..
hahaha , stupid :x
homed ard 5plus then quarrel on the way back home ):
stupid dear lahhhhhh ):
we must xiang qin xiang ai oki !
loveloves !
p.s. anyone wanna go bowling ? (:
replies to tags :}
JINHUI } hahaha , if you become bangala i cannot be racist leh ): so dont
be bangala oki ! loveeeeees super dear ! hahaha ! (: xoxo
Ethel } miss you too :D if can get into 3o8 , i wuld go your class and jio
to pon class with me ! hahaha ! neighbours :x
charmaine } hello hello ! shure shure :D welcomeeeee (:
r0xie } heyyyy ! i'm not ye man nu you lyk turtle :x hahaha ! cus he will
be very naughty wad , so give him no father's dayyyyy ! yay :D
tZY ((: } i had alr missed you girl ! hahaha :D just pray we wuld be in the
same class with mario & lugi ! hahaha :D loveeeees !
that's all ppl , tata !
Friday, October 26

Sunday, October 21
hahaha , aft 238745897 yrs !
com is siao one ,
sometimes oki , sometimes mad !
LOLs .
had only some pics upload ,
as i'm super lazy to upload anymore !
tsktsk , and fwenster dont allow me to upload all theses pics >:(
ohhhhhthehell ):
shall post wad i can rmb :
had bowling on tues,
think so , yeah . learn all the tactics !
and my coach praised me that i culd position well !
hahah ! beau was walking catwalk when her turn to bowl .
darn funny :x jasmine yeo is one pro luhs !
her ball damn straight de !
hahaha ! must be she too tall hand more powerful !
had fun ^^
wed & thurs sooooo i'm at homed !
hahaha !
rabbit* called my mom & asked why i wasnt in sch !
LOLs , how kpo is he !
he even told my mom i went out with dear ytd lahhhhhs ):
humphs >:(
nbm , tmr is LAST day liaooooo !
yipppeeeee ~
will be working at cuppage during holis !
and it's 10 to 10 !
omgawd !
i wuld lyk no time to game , to post , and no more extra time for dear !
sooooooo sad ):
*deon honey gotta rearrange time with you again oki? concentrate on your O's ! jiayou^^
yeahhhh ! that's the update for the time being ! loveees !
replies to tags :}
Ethel } sry lah girl , my com was siao mah so couldnt update much ! now update le wor :D stupid rabbit ! soooooo KPO !
JIN X)): } hahaha , so fun ! :D
r0xie } thanks ! love girl ! :D
JINHUI } super dear ! takecare toooooooos ! aisini lerhs :D <3
biying } wad secret ? hardly talk to you nowadays leh ! LOLs , miss you steadddd !
yuanying } thanks pretty ! :D you thn pretty , i'm not (;
nat:D } relinked ! takecareeeee toooooo ! misses ; xoxo
pRISCILLa x): } thanks ! :D takecare tooooos !
deon } welcome :D updated alr :D love & miss ! xoxo
beau } hahahah ! say want go m&d dint worrrr :x thanks !

Wednesday, October 17
but i cant forgive myself for all those foolish temper ,
foolish troubles i had given you .
i'm sorry dear ):
seriously ,
i got myself into deep deep thinkings .
i'm not a good girlfriend ,
i'm not the one who you shuld love .
because you can live happier without all my nonsense ,
you can go out with your friends all you want .
you can go out to work without worrying me ,
you can stop all your tears flowing everytime we quarrel .
maybe i had hurt you too much ,
you shuld forget me :@
it's all up to you , dear .
could i still call you dear ?..
current mood : moodless ):
back from yishun at my big auntie's hse .
went over to fetch wai po , aft her kidney dialysis .
i'm not shure how to say , but it's xi sheng in chinese .
thn we went over to 628 amk ave 6 ,
soooo , the whole market was BURNT !
very very jialiat leh ):
the rooftop even drop out ):
and the stalls de metal thingy ,
all melted !
heard from my ah ma that someone was burnt ):
sooooo poor thing ! ._.
hope they can recover from their loses soon !
went over upper thomson road over at a full of china ppl's cafe to eat ,
so it's lyk ):
eeeewwww !
oilyOILY and many many OILS !
yucks , the thought of it makes me eeee ):
sent waipo & big auntie to yishun & help wai po massage thn homed :D
on our way home ,
mum recalled abt ah gong ,
the closest to me & he passed away when i was 6 or 7 .
i dint had a lot memory as i was too small ,
but i could recall bits and bits .
mum said ah gong had cancer ,
vomited blood in the car for 2 times ,
thn aft admitted to hospital ,
he vomited again ,.
i was feeling crying for a moment ,
cus i could recall back how ah gong suffering ,
he even wanted to see me for the last time ,
i could rmb , mum said i cried badly whenever i see ah gong suffer .
oh my ):
i miss ah gong ):
cherish all your family now , when you can .
i think my mood nowadays is ):
keep on quarreling with dear ,
ytd was a serious one .
i banged the door at him D:
oh my ):
dear cried badly ):
he said i am 2 constance alr ,
i hoped not ,
dear , millions of sorry ):
today no school ,
cus it's the promotion exercise ,
so i took out the option form ,
i asked my father ,
wad shuld i chose ,
he said i shuld chose accounts .
i dont knw ,
bro said i culd get a job straight aft my O's .
deep in serious thinking of what i shuld take D:
updating all pic's & all videos asap :D
will be working at my bro's & cousin newly stall abt in mid-nov if possible !
they are opening a push cart stall at i-dont-knw-whr ard orchard .
i will be working with my esther cousin :D
maybe working will take all troubles away ,
for at least a while .
looking for a skin too ,
think im not as sweet as my skin ):
i miss you dear ):
Monday, October 15
omgawd , i'm now starving can ):
grhhhh :@
bck from jin's hse & amk hub :D
double yayness ,
cus im with my deardear & i sang !
dint really sing ltr on cus i was too tired & went sleeping !
aft tat woke up , play sims2 & i-dont-knw wad games !
thn they were downstairs watching dvds !
had volka but it taste eeeewwwww ):
i dont lyk ! not sweet at all !
bitter alcohol taste D:
boooo ~
back to amk hub ,
bought my mum her 'im not a plastic bag' for her.
she was happy :D
homed :D
i miss my baby dear ):
yawns D:
Sunday, October 14
tmr going jin hse for ktv session !
thn going out with ethel for shopping !
together with yining & jasmine wong ! :D
i not sureeee yet ):
cus i bringing alvin ang !
or probably , no .
i bring back many many photos tmr !
& yesyesyes !
mummy's planning to go thailand !
yes , mar ! here i commmmmmmmeeeee ! :D
bye ppl , post tmr !
Friday, October 12
chinesepaper1 - 56/70
chinesepaper2 - 55/70
lit - 45/60
englishpaper2 - 41.5/60
englishpaper1 - 19/30 + 20/25 = 39/55
mathspaper1 - 35/50
mathspaper2 - 23/50
mathspaper1&2 - 58/100
science - 47/100
art - 57/100
history - 42/65
HheElLoO !
i'm super happy right now ,
or rather today !
hahhhhhhhahhhhhhahhhha .
see the results ,
im soooo satisfied ! :D
esp my LIT ,
when i wrote a lot crapssss inside !
hahhhh !
3 cheers for the marker ! :x
having high hopes to study in 3o7 !
3 maths 3 maths 3 maths here i comeeeee !
LOLs .
only my sci is such a disappointment :(
but nvm ,
i am happy with other results !
hohoho xD
if i dint get into 3o7 ,
maybe i'll chose to go pure geo !
cus i dont wan :
d&t - see that lanjiao bin .
f&n - sooo tedious !
artartart - my hands arent working that well !
hahahah !
and that stupid alvin ang ,
pass only 2 ~
that is only sci & mt !
which i failed in sci !
so i whack him !
hohohoh xD
ohhhh ! ppl after reading pwuease please please tag !
its lyk making my blogggg sooooo dead can :(
seeing the counters rising but tags NOT increasinggg D:
i feel lyk singing & singing in jin hse !
hahaha !
going to her hse for ktv session :x
double yaynessssss ! ^^v
looking forward to sch holis !
whr i can go out to work !
my mummy agreeeeee !
hehehex :x
thn first i nid to have a haircuttttt !
or going for an extension?
seeing many many ppl did extension makes me feels lyk too !
i want a SPECIAL colour !
or i will dye my hair !
but if thr are tournaments ,
i will be bannnn from playingggg D:
confirm chop chop de D:
today was released ard 10.45 !
cor my dad upon knowing the results !
hopefully they are happy as i am !
cus they dint show any disappointment !
hahahah !
double yayness !
thn played murderer in class & dai di !
hohoho xD
going bowling sooooooon :D
with the sch of cus !
yay !
deon honey :
umm , sry for not replying your msg that day ,
firstly i was engross in my games !
hah , so i forgotten D;
srrrrryyyyy ):
andand secondly ,
my hp bill burstttt ):
sry ! i will msg you asap !
hopefully by 15 oki ;D
miss you ! & study hard ! ;D
jiayouuuu :D
& its 100 day for me & dear !
yay ! LOVEloveLOVE !
oki , bbbbbbbbyyyyyyeeeeeees !
Wednesday, October 10
but i think that my posting & blogging method is boring
shall change shall change !
hawhaw ;x
things that im going to do :
1. change blogskin
2. go out go out go out !
3. meet my deon gf !
4. meet yongxinnnnn ! ;D
5. cycling at east coast !
6. celebrate rox's belated bdae!
7. out with ethel !
8. write & send a letter to sijing !
9. finish reading my storybook !
10. runnnnningggg !
11. slpslpslp!
12. haircut !
and that shuld be all for now first !
hahaha !
cus im sooo sian after playing wedding dash & diner dash jus now !
the games are sooooo good !
okiiii !
bye ppl !
Tuesday, October 9
actually shuld be having some meetings with the excos ,
but the SL's training programme was cancel !
so the whole meeting was cancel ;x
finished last paper lyk 3h ago ;[
the overall paper is errrr ):
double sadnesssssss ):
i think im preparing to go 3o5 !
not anymore of 3o7 ):
sooooo ! 1 thing i can say now is play harddd !
thn i'll decide to go work or not !
hahahas ,
working make my shopping easier ;x
maybe this few days wuld be in front of the com rotting ,
or probably go out with parentsor dear !
longgggg longggg time nvr go out with dear ! ;x
fri wuld be going to check paper !
dno its a gd thing or bad thing !;[
wed & thur we're off !
marking day !
sooooooo , maybe tmr going celebrate rox's belated bdaeee !
so sick now ):
been sneezing frm morning to now !
maybe you're missing me ;x
had a super strange & QI YOU CI LI dream !
hahas ! stupid dream !
maybe going change to live journal alr !
cus blogspot is very sian ):
hahaha !
culd not blog in diff colours or wording ):
oki pokie :D
im going play hard nowwwww !
waiting for 13th nov to com to go out with my honey !
seriously miss her loads ):
3 days nvr sms her !
dno how's she doing !
bye babysssss ! :D
Friday, October 5
Kiss on the hand = I adore you
Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends
Kiss on the neck = I want you
Kiss on the lips = I love you
Kiss on the ears = I am just playing
Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away
Look in your eyes = kiss me
Playing with your hair = I can't live without you
Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you go
Article 2:
The Three Steps
Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.
Article 3:
The Commandments
Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
The way they call you after you just had a big fight.
The way she says 'lets not fight anymore'
even though you know that an hour later....
The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
The way they fall into your arms when they cry
Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
The way they say 'I miss you'
The way you miss them
The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.
This chain started in 1997.
It is a love chain letter.
just had a mail, it's lyk 837445yrs before de!
anyway, i guess it's so true!
i think the most marks i getting out of 80 is 40+,
just pass de borderline marks.
cus i really dno wad i crapping ):
SBQ are totally _|_
so hard can ):
this paper, no use alr );
i crapCRAPcrap A LOT ):
saying the same things over & over again ):
_|_ animal farm!
oki, no confidence at all ):
got all the ans diff from ethel!
she's super in maths !
awww _|_
easy easy!
i was contented with my compo ^^
yay! ;D
2 more papers to go,
mugging real hard for science & mathspaper2!
going j8library with girlfriends tmr ;D
2mthstoplay ^^
yay !
i want to go shopping:D
i want to go swimming:D
i want to go ktv with ethel,karen&girlfriends!:D
i want to go town with honeygf&ros:D
i want my 3mths with deardear:D
yayyyyyyyyyyness !
loveeeees !
Saturday, September 29
you knw why i'm here ,
cus i dint , i dint , i dint study at all !
hahahah !
still in my lalalalalalalalalalalala land :}
i chiong art , for at least ,
i complete my ferris wheel !
hahaha xD
i'm starting to hate my phone ,
cus it sarks ,
nid to charge every other day !
grhhhhh .
& nvr auto update de ,
useless phoneeee ):
english paper was oki ,
the comprehension was abt toto chan bk ,
the story very touch cannnnn :}
say the children got diseases no cure :{
ting le xin tong ah ,
so i did every question ! hahaha !
first time understand the compre so easily ;x
the section one was , errr , damn diff !
all use tikam de ;x
then wrote 2 compo in 45 min ,
first trial wrote on the friends betray de ,
second de write family ties de .
so i submit the family ties de ;D
i wannnnnn to go shopping badly ):
i miss shopping ,
i want go thailandddddd !
i want i want i want ,
all to be continue aft exams !
LOLs, so lame post can :}
i missssssss dear ):
i missssssss honey :}
i missssssss school x]
i missssssss mareesa pei me chiong art ! :}
i missssssss sijing going shopping with meeeeee :}
Thursday, September 27
hurting him ,
and chose to leave him alone to suffer .
ahhh , can you dont treat me so well ?
i think someone else's deserve you more than me .
because of me , i pull you down together to suffer with me .
i dont know is it the exam periods that made me speak all these things .
but really , i found that there isnt much courage in me that i could move on .
i lost confidence in myself ,
tmr's exam , let us both concentrate on this major exams first oki ?
being it of my self-centered or my fault ,
i'm sry for hurting you .
yea , today's really really my last post !
cant online at all alr ,
down to mug mug mug ;D
i got damn 2 blister , so disgusted by it .
eeyerrrr ! -.='
dancedance was all right ,
i think overall , my team done a great job !
thumbs up for them ;D
i would upload the video & pic of the dancedance !
umm , study hard everyone ! ;D
tata :}
tagboard is being removed to prevent SPAMMERs !
be back on 9 oct ;D
replies to tags :}
biying } not mental lah , is spastic hospital ;x LOLs , xin li bian tai de mah ! hehex . you promised me now luhs ! go 3o8 ;D lit is easy lah , chicken feet ;x
deon } yes honey ! okioki , dont scold oki , i ting ni de hua ;D super surprised by the mms , love it lah ! set as wallpaper de leh ;D plus edited de ! lols ! shall upload it soon ! you study hard ! loveloves !
michelle leow } i dont think i have anymore :( sorry .
tZY((: } you came because doing the PW ryt ! oppsy ;x
alvin } dnooooooo lah ):
Tuesday, September 25
dint have a chance to play candles ,
altho celebrated & today dint had the playing mood ,
study mood is ON ;D
lollllls .
study study study !
at least 3 A1 will do ;x
today was quite kaixin ,
cus i got back chinese test paper ,
& i had 42/50 !
and is the highest ;x
super yayness ;D
but think of my maths ,
eeee , flunk it lyk eee , _|_
all right short post ;x
i'm starting to hate you , fbitc* .
your presence make me hard to breathe .
asshol* .
grhhhhs !
anti deyi ,
lols , the sight of your tag makes me laugh my ass of ,
what mareesa said was correct ,
'fark. & ii think y0u are dam stupid t0 tag ppl's bl0g this wayy. hell0oo ? it's 2oo7. d0nt be such an ah-mah. && hell, ur mum als0 ended up with the l0ser, ur dad. what's the pr0bb ? ..'
i copy & paste here in case you dont understand .
LOLs , it's my business anyway .
and you're a loser too , your mum & dad are also losers !
to give such a spastic & immature son/daughter .
i anti-dengue ah , or anti-spammers also can .
LOLs , dont make me laugh lyk hell man .
i'm not stupid or rather idiotic to spam blogs ;D
dont make me waste my time on such a LOSER ,
hahaha !
replies to tags :}
MIMI } i dint forget you ! hahaha ;x jiayou for your exams ;D
ethel } i finish lit long ago ! hahaha ! so qin song now ;x study hard too ! meet in 3o8 if possible ! hahaha ! loveloves !
biying } you promise to meet me & ethel in 3o8 de oki ! hahaha ;D loveeeees !
MaReeSa* } i saw yor neng gou 2 times today ! LOls ;D thanks darling ! ;D loveeees !
deon } hahaha , joker lai de mah , lai entertain wo ;x hehehex , i want my fish porridgeeeeeeeeeee ! hohoho xD love honey !
{ beau } thanks darling ;D study hardddddd ! loveloves ! get well soon too ;D
Sunday, September 23
hawhaw !
was busy finishing up my literature hw !
yay ;D
i think i have a lot to express ;x
hawhaw :}
i feel like changing this account to livejournal ,
the skin seems nicer too !
maybe after exams bahs ;D
hmmm , i wanna go bugis to shop with my cousins !
esther(jiejie) and jasmine(jiejie) !
hahaha , called them jiejie now cus i felt lyk our family dint really have jiejie or korkor calls anymore !
and aft reading the post in esther`jiejie blog ;x
enough of random !
down to work :}
i think i'm quite good girl today !
helped my ah ma in cooking !
double yayness ;D
i wanna hold you in the middle of the night ,
when our eyes meet ,
our heart beat as one ,
i'm starting to love you even more .
do i still have the chance to tell you i love you anymore ?
i just dont want us to drift apart lyk this ,
thru all these hardships/heartbreaks ,
i finally know that ,
you will always be the one for me .
Friday, September 21
today will be my last post ,
no more emo-ness in posting ,
because i know , staying emo wont help ;D
soooooo , i wuld want to stay kai kai xin xin !
will be back in blogging after exams !
tagboard will be taken out nxt friday ;D
only this post will be shown ,
the rest ; pls refer to 'the pasts' (:
1 mth of hard work = 2 mths of playyyyy ;D
how great how great in exchange !
hahaha !
i'm gonna study hard & get a bigbig bowl of fish porridge by my honeygf ;D
hahaha ! honey ; i tell you im going get this bowl of porridge ;x
changed skin , cus today mood was rather down ,
quarrel with dear again ):
because of smth i was soooo afraid ):
i cried in front of him again ,
eeeee , when will i learn to be strong ?
hohoho .
had science test ,
i think i'm gonna flunk it as how i flunk my maths !
5 out of 15 ;
because of the question cheat meeeeeee .
whole numbers include 0 okkkkkki !
oh my gawd ! its lyk 2 marksssss !
grhhhhhh .
i'm gonna do well for my maths ;D
history history ;
now im starting revision on it ,
dont blame me for particular reasons or moment that i suddenly rmb abt history !
hahaha ,
merger & seperation ,
going thru this topic ;D
art art art !
i love art can ;D
hahaha ! altho those tedious working of the artworks ,
what you really get in the end ,
you'll be proud of it !
hahaha , just lyk how proud i am of me&jin's sculpture !
from i-dont-knw-what-thing ,
became voodoo doll , thn to earth , to dog finally to bird !
which was our idead intially ,
and we spent 3 afternoons doing that !
hahaha , we got 7 out of 10 i think ,
hahaha ! thankkiew deardear & jin ;D
oki , a few more sentences to go .
all to study hard oki !
don slack alr ;D
yay !
replies to tags :}
JOANNE } i love you too ;D takecare ;D
JINHUI } hello superwoman ;D longlong time nv talk to you on msn le ! miss youuuu ! ;D takecareeee ! loveeeees <3
biying } you dont ponten sch ah ! i hate you bitc* man ! come sch lah ! class is so quiet without youuuu ! hahaha ! that spammer is fakeeeee de ! ):
ShiPei } yay ;D wo shi good girl ! hahaha ! loveloves !
Esther } distress ;x hahaha ! say no to drugs alr ;D
MEGAN (: } i guess i rmb you , the small small girl ! hahaha ;D yea , once a prefect thr ;D hahaha ! how you manage to get to my blog ? ;D
deon } honey ! hahaha , dint do much thing to hlp you luhs , sry cant hlp at all ): only use words to comfort you , you will hold on de right ? i'll be there for honey ;D dont worry ;D you still own me nice nice fish porridge ;x hohoho ! loveloves !
RACHEAL } laogong ;D yea ! promise you alr , say noooooo to drugs ! wo shi good girl ;x hahaha ! scold him more ;x hehehex ! loveloveloves !
ReezaT } link alr ;D tag alr also ;D
passer-by } thx , its a long long time de skin ;D nah , im not pretty ;} (:
Thursday, September 20
spammers hello !
i welcome you to the game ,
but pls dont use any other ppl's name .
cus its damn bo ka si ,
& xia suay 'shermin' only ,
anw , she doesnt type lyk this ,
you gave yourself away .
hahaha ;D
if you think i suck ,
could you pls kindly come in front of me to say ?
i probably think of ways to reply you ,
and dont say what i use alvin as back-up ,
i dint , did i say i wanted to ?
so , eh eh , chilidish ppl , pls stop THIS (:
i thanked all ppl that care for me !
esp racheal laogong ' (:
love her loads loads !
hahaha ;D umm , i wont smoke oki ?
i promise i promise (;
wont even touch it lah ;D
ignore the post , meant to let me vent all my anger de !
hahaha ;D
daily routine are all the same ,
duties in the morning ,
studies in the late morning ,
wire sculptures in the afternoon .
plus today i taught xinghao korkor maths !
hahaha ;D
wonder if i really not fit to be a teacher or
i dont have the skills ;x
hahaha ;D
hope you can learn at least smth ! (;
oki , thats abt it !
going to my EMOTIONAL post .
uh uh , no EMO ,
hahaha !
replies to tags :}
biying } stead stead ! not emo anymore lah , you also know i siao de ! hahaha ! uh uh , no cigarettes ;D LOVELOVEs !
deon } realx relac , i wont de , promise you liao mah . scare you msg my papa tell him leh ;x hahaha ! dont kill meeeeee ! ahhhhhhh ;x study lah ! hahaha ! LOVEs honey~
ShiPei } HELLO jie , cus you are in the 1st floor and im in the second floor ! we seldom meet unless on wed , pe periods ! hahaha ! xiexie nies ;D love you loads ! no cigarettes ;D
linmin } LINMIN ah pok 2 ;D wed sooooo fast uhs , can react soooo fast ;x hahaha ! counted as draw lah ! hahaha ! ;x thankkiews ! no cigarettes ;D
`yongxing } porkchop is fine alr ;D you takecare too ! loveloves ! ;D
SHERmin } what i wanted to tell you i alr post in my post ;D so read it !
i leave it all as it is ;D
if you dont want to msg me as how we were ,
i respect your decision ,
moreover , it's all abt your decision .
but rmb i will be there for you ,
always & always .
7 more days to paper1 english x[
i love honey ;D
i love dear ;D
i love you more than anything oki ? ;D
Wednesday, September 19
all are nothing but just a bunch of fuckers .
to bring such sorrows in ppl .
everytime encountered quarrels ,
i wuld be the one that started it .
all tears and sorrows are just tools ,
to cover yourself with a mask .
so that your true self would not be seen .
everything that i do ,
everytime i malign you ,
or even show temper to you .
everything just happen so sudden ,
just feel lyk taking cigarettes and just deal with all problems ltr .
i really cannot take it .
i dont wish to be so emo everyday ,
i want myself to be happy ,
i want you to be happy .
since i cannot make you happy ,
or rather i'm the root cause of your sadness .
why dont you leave me ?
i know the feeling of pain ,
i just felt it ytd ,
it's not a nice feeling ..
i want cigarettes ! :|
Tuesday, September 18
i dont believe love at first sight ,
until i saw you .
you're the one that braved thru the rain with me ,
shared my happiness .
you even wanting yourself to back off so that i can have happiness .
i know , you always believe in karma .
i wont let you get hurt ,
i wont let you suffer alone .
if the one that started the fire is me ,
i'll back off .
you'll still be my best friend (:
you'll still be my number one .
everything that i do ,
i will still include in .
you're not just a part of my life ,
you're part of me .
[type till now , feel lyk :'( ]
altho the distance is so near ,
the heart seems so far .
one is in the north , one in the south .
the heart just cant stop thinking of those happy moments ,
those words .
i'm just afraid that you'll take it to heart ,
make everything sounds lyk your fault ,
i know i am the main cause of this .
sometimes i wonder , if this was the challenge given to me .
should i avoid it , or shall i face it ?
my heart , cant seems to learn to part .
give me time , i will think it thru .
nothing is more difficult than loving you . <3
ahhhh . the post is damn sad !
dno why i turn emo NOW ,
at this moment .
felt so useless .
nth much to blog ,
i'd made it up with dear (;
tata !
Monday, September 17
LOVE , is not just by saying .
you've to show it ,
you've to learn it .
you got to be patience with it .
it's just like you growing a flower ,
seeing it bloom after all your care to it .
i will be happy if it's growing healthly ,
but if it dies , i wont give up just because of it .
sames goes by the theory of LOVE ,
i dont give up because it faded / die ,
i give up because you gave up .
dont know when we seems to be so familiar with one another ,
all was lyk yesterday .
i know i'm giving you the wrong idea ,
but i dont know why either ,
maybe i'm having hallucination of us being together .
altho all may seems lyk it's a dream ,
but this dream WILL continue ,
wouldnt be given up just lyk this .
i promise to be by your side ,
letting you to vent anger on me .
i promise to takecare of you ,
not letting you to shed tears .
i promise to love you ,
more than anyone else would .
i promise i wont let you get hurt ,
not even myself to hurt you .
i promise more you ,
i will be your last love .
i believe i'll be here for you , anywhere , anytime <3
the love is not going to die just lyk this .
onehundred and eighty-two post !
hahaha ;D
gotta get down to work ,
seriously ,
i think i had slack enough ! D;
wanna start studying but now ,
i dont have much time .
10 more days to first paper ,
how to survive ?
today ; 170907 !
slept ard 1 last nite ,
couldnt slp . due to insomnia .
hahaha , was thinking thru some stuffs . :}
over-slept , made dear wait for me soooo long .
sorry >.<
went sch , dint report to SL .
having serious 'red days' problems .
shown attitude to dear again ,
sorry wor D;
no morning assembly today too ,
so was in class listening to MRPENG's 2 wks++ lecture + clean & free litter 2o6 !
LOls ,
1st 2 periods were maths ,
had mock paper 1 ,
flunk it , question 1 to 10 ,
i think i can only get 2/50 !
the first simplest question is alr [x] [x] [x] !
hais , going flunk this eoy exams D;
then was science , tried to give 100% attention after slacking for some time .
paid attention & learn much ;D
regret why dint i pay attention since the begining ,
i'm lagging so much behind !
so i wont miss any remedials or make up or pon classes !
i am a good girl ;D
recessed , was super dulannnnnnn lah !
cus of SOMEBODY which make me so du lan ,
i show attitude to dear again D;
sighs~ sighs~
history , i did my homework oki ;D
altho wasnt well prepare for the test on thurs ,
i am still paying attention !
hahaha !
i can rmb what mdm tan say ,
your test this thurs ah ,
rmb to study ,
nxt thurs is our last history lesson !
hahaha xD
was mother tongue ,
we had our 'students teaching&sharing' ,
was stuck in the classroom listening to the text ,
and got super high of this action (------O------)
imagine the brackets are the hands ,
the O is the point .
you move to the left to touch the point ,
you move right to touch the point ,
then move back to where the hands are !
and the 29126 !
im the no. 9 xD
thn proceeded to netball court to have our GAMES !
kinda siao over that ,
got high ! so i went running all over to get the correct ans ;x
then had a lecture after that ;[
it's kinda unfair , of someone that is sooooo bias ;}
was english after that ,
had test test test ! ;{
quite easy ,
hahaha xD
so sms with my honeygf ;]
VE ,was being told into some senses ,
after all , it's our name that is on the report slip ,
i dont wanna see all Cs or Ds .
grhhhhs .
got into serious reflection of myself !
then after sch ,
stayed in class with dear ,
got our mock maths paper ,
& had science remedial !
was smsing with my honeygf all the way ;D
slack & went home ard 4 ;D
now trying to work hard & finish up my art !
hohoho , i wna get a b3 ,
learning from shifu ;x
hahaha !
i got a new phone - 6120 !
hahaha ! get the new number from me ;D
takecare ;D
long long long post ,
rmb , the love does not end here ; i will be there for you !
tata ~
replies to tags :}
biying } i tot you biggest ? hohoho , jkjk xD loveeeees !
JINHUI } hello super ;D i love you ! takecare & study hard ! x]
BabyMinEr __ } hello pretty ;D linked ;D
shanaz } tyty ;D only i look nice ryt ;x hehex , takecare darling ! loveloves !
honeygf } i cannot see your tagboard , thats why i type here ! hahah !
super touching when i saw the post in your blog , awww ;[
i will be there for you oki ;D cry on my shoulder if you want after seeing my post ! hohoho xD love you ! ;D 13nov13nov ! ;]
Sunday, September 16
all were siao for the lil' boy ;x
all dno doing what ! ;x
look lyk ; luo han yu ;x LOLs !
blurred ;x
Friday, September 14
since lyk it's been forever , you'd been gone .
today is GREAT (:
i only can say this ! hahaha ! it's really great !
altho lessons are not the very the interesting ;x
hahaha !
shall not elaborate on lessons time .
after school '
stayed back to complete my art ! soooo guai right ? :}
then , msg a while with IDOL (;
then i disappear cus i was finding ppl & forgotten to reply ,
sry wor idol ;x
hope your test results are fine , you will be fine ! (:
umms , then went amk hub with dear , tzy , karen , shaobeng , jasmine wong & ethel & weijie .
soooooo we walkwalk & went ntuc buy the things for my ah ma !
then went walkwalkwalk ard then abt 330 all of them came my hse ! ;}
super crowded ;x
cooked maggie mee for karen , & she said was very nice !
hahaha , can be 'laopo' alr , since i knw how to cook maggie mee !
hehex , ard 430 went hub to meet rox , beau , jin , jasmine yeo , yining , biying & DEAR !
so we slowly strolled back to sch , see no ppl & those ppl who were thr was watching some stupid video , so the whole grp decided to go canteen to slack ,hahaha :}
with dear's fwen also .
so we play fire crackers awhile in canteen ,
but scared that the fire alarm will go off ,
we stopped playing ;x
so went to parade square for the programme ,
then i was super high ! hohoho ;x
kept shouting non-stop !
they offered some kind of mooncake or wad shit biscuit ,
so we decided to raise our hands ,
after the person walk here ,
we all eeeeeeee super loud !
hahaha ! FUNNY ;X
that ahnan guy & matthew zhong zhao ;x
had the pomelo thingy ,
& our class won ! woo-hooo !
hahaha ;x
peel the pomelo & eat it !
hahaha !
since it was very bored ,
we decided to leave ,
went 436 to play candles with many many ppl !
hahaha !
super fun ! loveeeeeeees !
went home ard 7.30 !
hahaha !
i love today !
i believe love at first sight !
see his bird face ;x hohoho !
2 bird face ;x sweet :}
dear dear make for me de stingy small heart ;x
Thursday, September 13
reliease that there is nothing much for me to blog on recently ._.
and now start to online ONLY when using com .
talking to my IDOL ! (:
hehehex .
bored to descirbe today .
had 1 period of english ,
did smth lyk the verb thingy worksheet .
completely waste of time ,
so i just copied the ans ! ;x
had 1 period of maths ,
got back class test , and i got 3 out of 10 !
it's a completely __ !
cus i had been lyking & knowing how to draw graph & i failed the test !
ohhh , how great . so i given up on
still thinking if i could teach xinghao korkor maths a not !
ltr teach him all the wrong things , wah . __
so had free periods , as ah peng dint came for a wk !
hohoho , smsed with idol ! :}
dint study for the f&n test ! whooooooo cares anyway !
hahaha !
recessed , dear was completely targeted by all his fwens ,
lyk -.-
beau & jin got the 'bottlecap shiok bo' .
wah , its super hurt lah ! when the bottlecap hits you !
it's all DEAR's fault !
hahaha xD he kena too , make everyone laughed ;x
had history , wah __
couldnt concentrate anymore .
eyes were super heavy ,
so my partner & i decided to di siao the loser in front of us .
we stuff glue stick in his bag & and the hole at the chair !
was lyk laughing lyk siao !
and my partner even try to pian him to stick the glue on his pants !
hohoho ! LOSER was stupid ._.
then f&n , thanks kian sin !
he told me wad to study ,
so i memorise on the spot ,
lyk goondu lyk that !
hahaha ;x
so thanks to his clue ,
i think i shuld get a pass ;x
slept for lyk 10 min as it's very the cooling & 2o6 nv been so quiet .
woke up then slept back for lyk 3 min .
walk ard the corridors to & fro .
lyk sooooo bored ;x
ve lessons , & tmr had to go sch for the stupid lantern festival .
and it's 5-7 , 5-7 !!!
i want dear dear make a bigbig heart shape for meeeeee !
hahaha . just hope that he is not stupid & know wad to do tmr !
stayed back after sch to do the so called lantern ,
was super bored , (thats why i call today the 'boliao' day)
so dear came to look for me ,
play played in class .
& dear got hurt ,
bodoh sia . dont even know he bleeding .
i tot is i stained on him ,
sooooo worried for him can !
he still say , not pain lah , not pain lah .
assholeeeee ! hohoho ;x
so i am super good dear , i clean & stick plaster for him !
hahaha !
home sweet home ;D
i love you , not because to show to others :}