she's super evil , she say i take high angle to make me look taller ): bff :D
we promise to meet on every 29feb , same place , same time ;D
met bff in the morning - 6.40am for breakfast .
i wasnt late , SUPRISE ;D
so we had breakfast at ard my hse de coffeeshop ;D
both ate noodles , lyk 6plus & we're eating noodles .
LOLS . any craze ppl that wants to join us can tell me ;D
we can go back IMH in the night . hees .
walked to sch & reached abt 7.20am .
thn saw DREAMguy . hahaha !
he's hair sucks today , dint style sial him .
so nan kan D:
assemble , hear some jokes from the guys sitting beside my class .
they were singing , 'ni shi wo de jie mei ni shi wo de baby~ wooyea'
lols , funny lah !
thn got to assemble for the damn day camp .
but the movie they show was nice ;D
i love the movie ' the freedom writers '
its abt whites & blacks fighting w one another , in the end ,
cus of the teacher , they became a family .
nice nice . i give it a rating of 4.5/5 ;D
thn went for break . xinyi went disiao the 'stuff tissue in boobs' .
LOLS , supar hilarious . thn i started to speak in this slang that americans speak .
bff say that when i speak in that accent , i sucks in that ;/
LOLS . thn MR LONELY smile to me .
for lyk 3yrs since sec1 , he hadnt been smiling to me cus of MRS LONELY .
hahaha , godddd !
i miss his smile ;D
okays , so random . thn dismiss at 1210 lyk that .
went j8 to buy tix , walked ard & went eat finger food ;D
watched the 2.05 leap yrs ;D
its supar nice/touching , i wish you were here .
i give it a 9.5/10 ;D
must go watch , & im going watch again :D
homed abt 5 ;D
5 valid reasons to express love is not enough ,
cus you give me the reasons to love ;D
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