Saturday, September 29
you knw why i'm here ,
cus i dint , i dint , i dint study at all !
hahahah !
still in my lalalalalalalalalalalala land :}
i chiong art , for at least ,
i complete my ferris wheel !
hahaha xD
i'm starting to hate my phone ,
cus it sarks ,
nid to charge every other day !
grhhhhh .
& nvr auto update de ,
useless phoneeee ):
english paper was oki ,
the comprehension was abt toto chan bk ,
the story very touch cannnnn :}
say the children got diseases no cure :{
ting le xin tong ah ,
so i did every question ! hahaha !
first time understand the compre so easily ;x
the section one was , errr , damn diff !
all use tikam de ;x
then wrote 2 compo in 45 min ,
first trial wrote on the friends betray de ,
second de write family ties de .
so i submit the family ties de ;D
i wannnnnn to go shopping badly ):
i miss shopping ,
i want go thailandddddd !
i want i want i want ,
all to be continue aft exams !
LOLs, so lame post can :}
i missssssss dear ):
i missssssss honey :}
i missssssss school x]
i missssssss mareesa pei me chiong art ! :}
i missssssss sijing going shopping with meeeeee :}
Thursday, September 27
hurting him ,
and chose to leave him alone to suffer .
ahhh , can you dont treat me so well ?
i think someone else's deserve you more than me .
because of me , i pull you down together to suffer with me .
i dont know is it the exam periods that made me speak all these things .
but really , i found that there isnt much courage in me that i could move on .
i lost confidence in myself ,
tmr's exam , let us both concentrate on this major exams first oki ?
being it of my self-centered or my fault ,
i'm sry for hurting you .
yea , today's really really my last post !
cant online at all alr ,
down to mug mug mug ;D
i got damn 2 blister , so disgusted by it .
eeyerrrr ! -.='
dancedance was all right ,
i think overall , my team done a great job !
thumbs up for them ;D
i would upload the video & pic of the dancedance !
umm , study hard everyone ! ;D
tata :}
tagboard is being removed to prevent SPAMMERs !
be back on 9 oct ;D
replies to tags :}
biying } not mental lah , is spastic hospital ;x LOLs , xin li bian tai de mah ! hehex . you promised me now luhs ! go 3o8 ;D lit is easy lah , chicken feet ;x
deon } yes honey ! okioki , dont scold oki , i ting ni de hua ;D super surprised by the mms , love it lah ! set as wallpaper de leh ;D plus edited de ! lols ! shall upload it soon ! you study hard ! loveloves !
michelle leow } i dont think i have anymore :( sorry .
tZY((: } you came because doing the PW ryt ! oppsy ;x
alvin } dnooooooo lah ):
Tuesday, September 25
dint have a chance to play candles ,
altho celebrated & today dint had the playing mood ,
study mood is ON ;D
lollllls .
study study study !
at least 3 A1 will do ;x
today was quite kaixin ,
cus i got back chinese test paper ,
& i had 42/50 !
and is the highest ;x
super yayness ;D
but think of my maths ,
eeee , flunk it lyk eee , _|_
all right short post ;x
i'm starting to hate you , fbitc* .
your presence make me hard to breathe .
asshol* .
grhhhhs !
anti deyi ,
lols , the sight of your tag makes me laugh my ass of ,
what mareesa said was correct ,
'fark. & ii think y0u are dam stupid t0 tag ppl's bl0g this wayy. hell0oo ? it's 2oo7. d0nt be such an ah-mah. && hell, ur mum als0 ended up with the l0ser, ur dad. what's the pr0bb ? ..'
i copy & paste here in case you dont understand .
LOLs , it's my business anyway .
and you're a loser too , your mum & dad are also losers !
to give such a spastic & immature son/daughter .
i anti-dengue ah , or anti-spammers also can .
LOLs , dont make me laugh lyk hell man .
i'm not stupid or rather idiotic to spam blogs ;D
dont make me waste my time on such a LOSER ,
hahaha !
replies to tags :}
MIMI } i dint forget you ! hahaha ;x jiayou for your exams ;D
ethel } i finish lit long ago ! hahaha ! so qin song now ;x study hard too ! meet in 3o8 if possible ! hahaha ! loveloves !
biying } you promise to meet me & ethel in 3o8 de oki ! hahaha ;D loveeeees !
MaReeSa* } i saw yor neng gou 2 times today ! LOls ;D thanks darling ! ;D loveeees !
deon } hahaha , joker lai de mah , lai entertain wo ;x hehehex , i want my fish porridgeeeeeeeeeee ! hohoho xD love honey !
{ beau } thanks darling ;D study hardddddd ! loveloves ! get well soon too ;D
Sunday, September 23
hawhaw !
was busy finishing up my literature hw !
yay ;D
i think i have a lot to express ;x
hawhaw :}
i feel like changing this account to livejournal ,
the skin seems nicer too !
maybe after exams bahs ;D
hmmm , i wanna go bugis to shop with my cousins !
esther(jiejie) and jasmine(jiejie) !
hahaha , called them jiejie now cus i felt lyk our family dint really have jiejie or korkor calls anymore !
and aft reading the post in esther`jiejie blog ;x
enough of random !
down to work :}
i think i'm quite good girl today !
helped my ah ma in cooking !
double yayness ;D
i wanna hold you in the middle of the night ,
when our eyes meet ,
our heart beat as one ,
i'm starting to love you even more .
do i still have the chance to tell you i love you anymore ?
i just dont want us to drift apart lyk this ,
thru all these hardships/heartbreaks ,
i finally know that ,
you will always be the one for me .
Friday, September 21
today will be my last post ,
no more emo-ness in posting ,
because i know , staying emo wont help ;D
soooooo , i wuld want to stay kai kai xin xin !
will be back in blogging after exams !
tagboard will be taken out nxt friday ;D
only this post will be shown ,
the rest ; pls refer to 'the pasts' (:
1 mth of hard work = 2 mths of playyyyy ;D
how great how great in exchange !
hahaha !
i'm gonna study hard & get a bigbig bowl of fish porridge by my honeygf ;D
hahaha ! honey ; i tell you im going get this bowl of porridge ;x
changed skin , cus today mood was rather down ,
quarrel with dear again ):
because of smth i was soooo afraid ):
i cried in front of him again ,
eeeee , when will i learn to be strong ?
hohoho .
had science test ,
i think i'm gonna flunk it as how i flunk my maths !
5 out of 15 ;
because of the question cheat meeeeeee .
whole numbers include 0 okkkkkki !
oh my gawd ! its lyk 2 marksssss !
grhhhhhh .
i'm gonna do well for my maths ;D
history history ;
now im starting revision on it ,
dont blame me for particular reasons or moment that i suddenly rmb abt history !
hahaha ,
merger & seperation ,
going thru this topic ;D
art art art !
i love art can ;D
hahaha ! altho those tedious working of the artworks ,
what you really get in the end ,
you'll be proud of it !
hahaha , just lyk how proud i am of me&jin's sculpture !
from i-dont-knw-what-thing ,
became voodoo doll , thn to earth , to dog finally to bird !
which was our idead intially ,
and we spent 3 afternoons doing that !
hahaha , we got 7 out of 10 i think ,
hahaha ! thankkiew deardear & jin ;D
oki , a few more sentences to go .
all to study hard oki !
don slack alr ;D
yay !
replies to tags :}
JOANNE } i love you too ;D takecare ;D
JINHUI } hello superwoman ;D longlong time nv talk to you on msn le ! miss youuuu ! ;D takecareeee ! loveeeees <3
biying } you dont ponten sch ah ! i hate you bitc* man ! come sch lah ! class is so quiet without youuuu ! hahaha ! that spammer is fakeeeee de ! ):
ShiPei } yay ;D wo shi good girl ! hahaha ! loveloves !
Esther } distress ;x hahaha ! say no to drugs alr ;D
MEGAN (: } i guess i rmb you , the small small girl ! hahaha ;D yea , once a prefect thr ;D hahaha ! how you manage to get to my blog ? ;D
deon } honey ! hahaha , dint do much thing to hlp you luhs , sry cant hlp at all ): only use words to comfort you , you will hold on de right ? i'll be there for honey ;D dont worry ;D you still own me nice nice fish porridge ;x hohoho ! loveloves !
RACHEAL } laogong ;D yea ! promise you alr , say noooooo to drugs ! wo shi good girl ;x hahaha ! scold him more ;x hehehex ! loveloveloves !
ReezaT } link alr ;D tag alr also ;D
passer-by } thx , its a long long time de skin ;D nah , im not pretty ;} (:
Thursday, September 20
spammers hello !
i welcome you to the game ,
but pls dont use any other ppl's name .
cus its damn bo ka si ,
& xia suay 'shermin' only ,
anw , she doesnt type lyk this ,
you gave yourself away .
hahaha ;D
if you think i suck ,
could you pls kindly come in front of me to say ?
i probably think of ways to reply you ,
and dont say what i use alvin as back-up ,
i dint , did i say i wanted to ?
so , eh eh , chilidish ppl , pls stop THIS (:
i thanked all ppl that care for me !
esp racheal laogong ' (:
love her loads loads !
hahaha ;D umm , i wont smoke oki ?
i promise i promise (;
wont even touch it lah ;D
ignore the post , meant to let me vent all my anger de !
hahaha ;D
daily routine are all the same ,
duties in the morning ,
studies in the late morning ,
wire sculptures in the afternoon .
plus today i taught xinghao korkor maths !
hahaha ;D
wonder if i really not fit to be a teacher or
i dont have the skills ;x
hahaha ;D
hope you can learn at least smth ! (;
oki , thats abt it !
going to my EMOTIONAL post .
uh uh , no EMO ,
hahaha !
replies to tags :}
biying } stead stead ! not emo anymore lah , you also know i siao de ! hahaha ! uh uh , no cigarettes ;D LOVELOVEs !
deon } realx relac , i wont de , promise you liao mah . scare you msg my papa tell him leh ;x hahaha ! dont kill meeeeee ! ahhhhhhh ;x study lah ! hahaha ! LOVEs honey~
ShiPei } HELLO jie , cus you are in the 1st floor and im in the second floor ! we seldom meet unless on wed , pe periods ! hahaha ! xiexie nies ;D love you loads ! no cigarettes ;D
linmin } LINMIN ah pok 2 ;D wed sooooo fast uhs , can react soooo fast ;x hahaha ! counted as draw lah ! hahaha ! ;x thankkiews ! no cigarettes ;D
`yongxing } porkchop is fine alr ;D you takecare too ! loveloves ! ;D
SHERmin } what i wanted to tell you i alr post in my post ;D so read it !
i leave it all as it is ;D
if you dont want to msg me as how we were ,
i respect your decision ,
moreover , it's all abt your decision .
but rmb i will be there for you ,
always & always .
7 more days to paper1 english x[
i love honey ;D
i love dear ;D
i love you more than anything oki ? ;D
Wednesday, September 19
all are nothing but just a bunch of fuckers .
to bring such sorrows in ppl .
everytime encountered quarrels ,
i wuld be the one that started it .
all tears and sorrows are just tools ,
to cover yourself with a mask .
so that your true self would not be seen .
everything that i do ,
everytime i malign you ,
or even show temper to you .
everything just happen so sudden ,
just feel lyk taking cigarettes and just deal with all problems ltr .
i really cannot take it .
i dont wish to be so emo everyday ,
i want myself to be happy ,
i want you to be happy .
since i cannot make you happy ,
or rather i'm the root cause of your sadness .
why dont you leave me ?
i know the feeling of pain ,
i just felt it ytd ,
it's not a nice feeling ..
i want cigarettes ! :|
Tuesday, September 18
i dont believe love at first sight ,
until i saw you .
you're the one that braved thru the rain with me ,
shared my happiness .
you even wanting yourself to back off so that i can have happiness .
i know , you always believe in karma .
i wont let you get hurt ,
i wont let you suffer alone .
if the one that started the fire is me ,
i'll back off .
you'll still be my best friend (:
you'll still be my number one .
everything that i do ,
i will still include in .
you're not just a part of my life ,
you're part of me .
[type till now , feel lyk :'( ]
altho the distance is so near ,
the heart seems so far .
one is in the north , one in the south .
the heart just cant stop thinking of those happy moments ,
those words .
i'm just afraid that you'll take it to heart ,
make everything sounds lyk your fault ,
i know i am the main cause of this .
sometimes i wonder , if this was the challenge given to me .
should i avoid it , or shall i face it ?
my heart , cant seems to learn to part .
give me time , i will think it thru .
nothing is more difficult than loving you . <3
ahhhh . the post is damn sad !
dno why i turn emo NOW ,
at this moment .
felt so useless .
nth much to blog ,
i'd made it up with dear (;
tata !
Monday, September 17
LOVE , is not just by saying .
you've to show it ,
you've to learn it .
you got to be patience with it .
it's just like you growing a flower ,
seeing it bloom after all your care to it .
i will be happy if it's growing healthly ,
but if it dies , i wont give up just because of it .
sames goes by the theory of LOVE ,
i dont give up because it faded / die ,
i give up because you gave up .
dont know when we seems to be so familiar with one another ,
all was lyk yesterday .
i know i'm giving you the wrong idea ,
but i dont know why either ,
maybe i'm having hallucination of us being together .
altho all may seems lyk it's a dream ,
but this dream WILL continue ,
wouldnt be given up just lyk this .
i promise to be by your side ,
letting you to vent anger on me .
i promise to takecare of you ,
not letting you to shed tears .
i promise to love you ,
more than anyone else would .
i promise i wont let you get hurt ,
not even myself to hurt you .
i promise more you ,
i will be your last love .
i believe i'll be here for you , anywhere , anytime <3
the love is not going to die just lyk this .
onehundred and eighty-two post !
hahaha ;D
gotta get down to work ,
seriously ,
i think i had slack enough ! D;
wanna start studying but now ,
i dont have much time .
10 more days to first paper ,
how to survive ?
today ; 170907 !
slept ard 1 last nite ,
couldnt slp . due to insomnia .
hahaha , was thinking thru some stuffs . :}
over-slept , made dear wait for me soooo long .
sorry >.<
went sch , dint report to SL .
having serious 'red days' problems .
shown attitude to dear again ,
sorry wor D;
no morning assembly today too ,
so was in class listening to MRPENG's 2 wks++ lecture + clean & free litter 2o6 !
LOls ,
1st 2 periods were maths ,
had mock paper 1 ,
flunk it , question 1 to 10 ,
i think i can only get 2/50 !
the first simplest question is alr [x] [x] [x] !
hais , going flunk this eoy exams D;
then was science , tried to give 100% attention after slacking for some time .
paid attention & learn much ;D
regret why dint i pay attention since the begining ,
i'm lagging so much behind !
so i wont miss any remedials or make up or pon classes !
i am a good girl ;D
recessed , was super dulannnnnnn lah !
cus of SOMEBODY which make me so du lan ,
i show attitude to dear again D;
sighs~ sighs~
history , i did my homework oki ;D
altho wasnt well prepare for the test on thurs ,
i am still paying attention !
hahaha !
i can rmb what mdm tan say ,
your test this thurs ah ,
rmb to study ,
nxt thurs is our last history lesson !
hahaha xD
was mother tongue ,
we had our 'students teaching&sharing' ,
was stuck in the classroom listening to the text ,
and got super high of this action (------O------)
imagine the brackets are the hands ,
the O is the point .
you move to the left to touch the point ,
you move right to touch the point ,
then move back to where the hands are !
and the 29126 !
im the no. 9 xD
thn proceeded to netball court to have our GAMES !
kinda siao over that ,
got high ! so i went running all over to get the correct ans ;x
then had a lecture after that ;[
it's kinda unfair , of someone that is sooooo bias ;}
was english after that ,
had test test test ! ;{
quite easy ,
hahaha xD
so sms with my honeygf ;]
VE ,was being told into some senses ,
after all , it's our name that is on the report slip ,
i dont wanna see all Cs or Ds .
grhhhhs .
got into serious reflection of myself !
then after sch ,
stayed in class with dear ,
got our mock maths paper ,
& had science remedial !
was smsing with my honeygf all the way ;D
slack & went home ard 4 ;D
now trying to work hard & finish up my art !
hohoho , i wna get a b3 ,
learning from shifu ;x
hahaha !
i got a new phone - 6120 !
hahaha ! get the new number from me ;D
takecare ;D
long long long post ,
rmb , the love does not end here ; i will be there for you !
tata ~
replies to tags :}
biying } i tot you biggest ? hohoho , jkjk xD loveeeees !
JINHUI } hello super ;D i love you ! takecare & study hard ! x]
BabyMinEr __ } hello pretty ;D linked ;D
shanaz } tyty ;D only i look nice ryt ;x hehex , takecare darling ! loveloves !
honeygf } i cannot see your tagboard , thats why i type here ! hahah !
super touching when i saw the post in your blog , awww ;[
i will be there for you oki ;D cry on my shoulder if you want after seeing my post ! hohoho xD love you ! ;D 13nov13nov ! ;]
Sunday, September 16
all were siao for the lil' boy ;x
all dno doing what ! ;x
look lyk ; luo han yu ;x LOLs !
blurred ;x
Friday, September 14
since lyk it's been forever , you'd been gone .
today is GREAT (:
i only can say this ! hahaha ! it's really great !
altho lessons are not the very the interesting ;x
hahaha !
shall not elaborate on lessons time .
after school '
stayed back to complete my art ! soooo guai right ? :}
then , msg a while with IDOL (;
then i disappear cus i was finding ppl & forgotten to reply ,
sry wor idol ;x
hope your test results are fine , you will be fine ! (:
umms , then went amk hub with dear , tzy , karen , shaobeng , jasmine wong & ethel & weijie .
soooooo we walkwalk & went ntuc buy the things for my ah ma !
then went walkwalkwalk ard then abt 330 all of them came my hse ! ;}
super crowded ;x
cooked maggie mee for karen , & she said was very nice !
hahaha , can be 'laopo' alr , since i knw how to cook maggie mee !
hehex , ard 430 went hub to meet rox , beau , jin , jasmine yeo , yining , biying & DEAR !
so we slowly strolled back to sch , see no ppl & those ppl who were thr was watching some stupid video , so the whole grp decided to go canteen to slack ,hahaha :}
with dear's fwen also .
so we play fire crackers awhile in canteen ,
but scared that the fire alarm will go off ,
we stopped playing ;x
so went to parade square for the programme ,
then i was super high ! hohoho ;x
kept shouting non-stop !
they offered some kind of mooncake or wad shit biscuit ,
so we decided to raise our hands ,
after the person walk here ,
we all eeeeeeee super loud !
hahaha ! FUNNY ;X
that ahnan guy & matthew zhong zhao ;x
had the pomelo thingy ,
& our class won ! woo-hooo !
hahaha ;x
peel the pomelo & eat it !
hahaha !
since it was very bored ,
we decided to leave ,
went 436 to play candles with many many ppl !
hahaha !
super fun ! loveeeeeeees !
went home ard 7.30 !
hahaha !
i love today !
i believe love at first sight !
see his bird face ;x hohoho !
2 bird face ;x sweet :}
dear dear make for me de stingy small heart ;x
Thursday, September 13
reliease that there is nothing much for me to blog on recently ._.
and now start to online ONLY when using com .
talking to my IDOL ! (:
hehehex .
bored to descirbe today .
had 1 period of english ,
did smth lyk the verb thingy worksheet .
completely waste of time ,
so i just copied the ans ! ;x
had 1 period of maths ,
got back class test , and i got 3 out of 10 !
it's a completely __ !
cus i had been lyking & knowing how to draw graph & i failed the test !
ohhh , how great . so i given up on
still thinking if i could teach xinghao korkor maths a not !
ltr teach him all the wrong things , wah . __
so had free periods , as ah peng dint came for a wk !
hohoho , smsed with idol ! :}
dint study for the f&n test ! whooooooo cares anyway !
hahaha !
recessed , dear was completely targeted by all his fwens ,
lyk -.-
beau & jin got the 'bottlecap shiok bo' .
wah , its super hurt lah ! when the bottlecap hits you !
it's all DEAR's fault !
hahaha xD he kena too , make everyone laughed ;x
had history , wah __
couldnt concentrate anymore .
eyes were super heavy ,
so my partner & i decided to di siao the loser in front of us .
we stuff glue stick in his bag & and the hole at the chair !
was lyk laughing lyk siao !
and my partner even try to pian him to stick the glue on his pants !
hohoho ! LOSER was stupid ._.
then f&n , thanks kian sin !
he told me wad to study ,
so i memorise on the spot ,
lyk goondu lyk that !
hahaha ;x
so thanks to his clue ,
i think i shuld get a pass ;x
slept for lyk 10 min as it's very the cooling & 2o6 nv been so quiet .
woke up then slept back for lyk 3 min .
walk ard the corridors to & fro .
lyk sooooo bored ;x
ve lessons , & tmr had to go sch for the stupid lantern festival .
and it's 5-7 , 5-7 !!!
i want dear dear make a bigbig heart shape for meeeeee !
hahaha . just hope that he is not stupid & know wad to do tmr !
stayed back after sch to do the so called lantern ,
was super bored , (thats why i call today the 'boliao' day)
so dear came to look for me ,
play played in class .
& dear got hurt ,
bodoh sia . dont even know he bleeding .
i tot is i stained on him ,
sooooo worried for him can !
he still say , not pain lah , not pain lah .
assholeeeee ! hohoho ;x
so i am super good dear , i clean & stick plaster for him !
hahaha !
home sweet home ;D
i love you , not because to show to others :}
Wednesday, September 12
sorry for the overdue updates !
hahaha .
cus i have nth to blog !
today had maths test & flunk it !
only knew how to draw graph !
& the algerbraic questions are FisH man !
hahaha !
had pe , played captains ball !
made me think of the 7 items captains ball during the SL camp .
esp the chicken , flying all ard the sky !
hohoho xD
IDOL msg me to show off that she was released at 9.15 !
hahaha , i wasnt jealous xP
then recess , had HER* periods !
eeeeeyer , hate it hate it hate it !
had dance , craps a lot inside ;x
hahaha !
had english & was arguing with jin bout the stupid passage ,
' you dont kip on creating broblems .'
thats wad my english teacher always say !
hohoho !
thats about it ! im super bored ;x
thanks IDOL for cheering me up that day :D
replies to tags :}
passer-by } thanks :D i had cheer up ! its all right between us already :D thanks :D what you lyk to know about him ? i dont have the lastest info , but last met him was during july . you lyk to know about ?..
biying } cus she love me dont love you mah ! thanks luhs :D you sing ltr class break very expensive you know ! hahaha ! ya luhs , you have a stead . meeeeee lah ! i dint say other boys . oh horrr , you got affair ! ;x kill alvin yourself ! hahaha ! i bu ren xin beat him for you ;x
Fany } hahaha , dont see me lah . i shy ;x hahaha ! 'aye , an dao video eh' LOLS , jkjk xD
deon } IDOLLLLL (; thanks ! & i updatedd ! hohoho ! i mus say smth memorable to you :D
mic } thanks :D takecare toooooooo (:
alvin } relax relax , she nvr scold you already mah . she care for me also leh ! youuuuu !
hermherm . post your ugly pic then you know ! hahaha :D love you boyfriend ! :DDDDD
shamien } HELLO ! thanks :D see ya ! :D:D:D
Ethel } yay ! blog patrol ! hohoho :D loveya toooooo !
byeeeee , tata ! <3
his hand full of wuguis ;x
champions never die ;x
Monday, September 10
had a bigbig quarrel with deardear .
i flare up lyk BOOMmMmM in a million yr !
i think deardear is dulan also .
aiyaaaaaaaaaa .
forget it !
even took out the ring infront of dear ,
had the urge to throw it away at that moment .
but i just cant do it )':
so i just flare up & when dear tried to hold me ,
i just struggled or hit him .
cried too )':
ask him go awayyyy ~
haishais .
that bitch inside me ,
when can you wake up ?
you know you're promise-breaker ?
fu*ker !
you know how much he suffered because of you ?
wake up pls !
replies to tags :}
passer-by : i found that you talk lyk someone similiar. someone lyk i talk before. of cus you had changed already mah, cus you dint spam my blog anymore, & you went ethel's blog to apologise to her. of cusssss you changed!! dont agreed?.. ethel dont know mark, neither mark know ethel. why you kip asking about mark? you wna know things about hym huh? LOLs.
Ethel : join in what fun ? LOLs. welcome welcome ! you know mark uhs ? LOLs. loveeeees~
deon : why very guai !? of cus lah , i super duper guai de lehs ! ^^ now then you know ? hahaha ! oki lah , nxt time must jio me go out oki ! hahaha , confirm on de ! (: IDOL (:
MI MI : hello JIE ! yahhhhh ! barry LEE bully meeeeeee ! see how 'kind' he is ! grhhhh ! :D
biying : you dno mark de leh ! mark my hao jie mei ! hahahaha ! you got stead leh ! dont act act !
humphs ):
yurong : yea , he scare of his laopo ! hohoho !
Fany : hellooooooooo ~ thank you thank you ! we will last de ! hehehex ,. come my hse often to see kor kor hor ! (:
online shopping blog is open !
byeeeee ! mood-less ):
Saturday, September 8
Friday, September 7
i've grown my pretty flower ,
have you ?
hahaha:D was searching for nice quotes & i found this !
touching yea ?
hohoho !
happy 2 mths anniversary to my deardear (:
although there are many many things that happen this month ,
no matter quarrels or misunderstanding ,
we're still standing strong here right ?
after today , we gonna start afresh !
no more quarrels or misunderstanding !
we would trust each other , love each other !
takecare of you , & vice versa (:
i love you deardear !
o7o7o7-o7o9o7 happy 2 mths :D
went out with dear after my tuition ,
he had cramps during his friendly ):
aww , poor thing !
so he came fetch me at my tuition & we went j8 (:
accompany him to eat at food court ,
& i saw QQ ! (:
dear is super cute today ,
he said , 'i wan eat duck rice'.
he went to a chicken rice stall & order chicken rice ,
so i ask him 'i tot you say you want eat duck rice?'
he replied , 'same lah~ nvm de lah'
dunno how to see the difference between 'ji' & 'ya'
dumbo !
another thing ,
i wanted to helped hym buy drinks as im not eating ,
as he tot of wad he drinks , i said ice cream soda uhs ?
he say ya ! hahaha:D
i know my deardear well (;
hehehex .
went walking ard , so when we were arguing about whr to go ,
'someone' fell down hard on the ground !
doing a spilt , SPILT oki !
hahaha:D damn funny luhs !
i laugh my ass out man !
who ask him dont listen to me ,
hahaha:D but xin tong leh ):
LOLs , its oki ! cus' he dint want to listen to me !
went to buy a ultraman socks for his 1GB of mp3 .
so he STRESS that it was a 1GB de mp3.
of cus , i won by having a 4GB mp3 !
hahaha !
so he dint wan to admit he lost ,
he took his sister de 312GB of thumbdrive to dei me !
such a loser right ? hahaha ! LOSERRRR ! xP
walked ard ntuc ,
this deardear lyk lao ah ma lyk that ,
he wanted to buy milk ,
took alr , went walking towards the counter he say don wan buy alr !
LOLs .
went to buy food & 88-ed home !
lovemydeardear !
muacks !
& i've got a new idol !
deon , she's a soccer player in zhenghua !
hahaha !
tata , loveeeees !
Thursday, September 6
as to fit the size of the profile thingy !
thanks jieting ;D
he hlped me with it ;D
sch's starting in another 3 more days !
& i still got tons of homework not done ,
hurhurs ;|
i miss boyfriend a lot ,
2 days nv see hym le ):
& almost quarrel last night !
tadatada !
tmr is our happy 2 mths !
yayyyyy !
woainies ;D
really miss hym a lot ):
great to hear that HE IS STUDYING !
hahaha !
if not nxt yr he will be wearing short pants again uhs !
LOLs .
oki , byeeeees !
a super duper short post !
ring-a-ding-a-ling !
replies to tags }
shermin } you all are sweet lah ! (: LOVEs .
biying } i know you love my blog ;x hahaha ! small good wad ! ;D test your eyesights ;x LOVEs . not same skin , but same heart right ? (:
MaReeSa* } awww , long post without you but heart is always with you ! :D jiayou for exams ! all the best ! study hard ! (: misses (:
ethel } sorry aye for the tagboard soooo small ! hahahah! ;D
deon } my idollll ! how you manage to find my blog ? ahahha ! link you alr ! takecare !
Wednesday, September 5
tot it was a good starting for my post ! LOLs.
SLdayCAMP '04092007
a GREAT great one !
cept for the icebreakers , damn boredxxsxsxs .
i woke up at 6.45 & tot i was late ,
so i super duper rush & i am all oki at 7 .
i took my own sweet time & walk to 422 & bought myself icemilo !
how niceeee ;D
hahaha , so i walked to sch .
the route was super quiet >.<
cept for a few sec4s walking very fast !
reached sch gate , saw only lyk many new sec1s SL & brandon sham !
& BARRYLEE shouted 'ahpui' to ME !
wah lao , sooooo embrassing lahhhh !
he idiot leh , thn everyone look at hym see who he calling !
im not 'ahpui' ! ):
went toilet , thn jin came look for me ,
so we sat near the staff room ,
in order not to see BARRYLEE at the foyer !
but still , he came & walk ard with kelvinbi .
wahlao , he saw me eating bread he jiu say ,
'so pui liao still eat , throw away lah'
so i just ask hym shut up & ignore him :D
then went report in canteen , put valuables in 3o6 .
tio scolding cus everyone was very slow D;
went into grp & im in grp 5 with members of ,
daphane(leader) , maya , constance(: , jordon , tammy , edlyn , jason & meihui .
not too bad lah :D
so went into ice-breakers , damn stupid lah !
played one game cor , 'honey i love you , wuldnt you give me a smile'
i cant stop laughing when someone tell me lah !
hahaha , its supposed to be lyk when someone tolds you ,'honey i love you , wuldnt you give me a smile' . you cannot smile & must reply to him/her , 'honey i love you too , but i just cant smile' ! LOLs .
thn teach sec1 cheers & played bomb !
shiok ! but my grp kip losing !
hahaha !
then went for 'gu niang,hunter&tiger' de game in field ,
i was the opposition of beautrice ,
so we gei gei dont catch each other !
almost fell lah ! the field was damn slippery !
LOLs , thn went netball court to play the pinpong game ,
was suppose to pair up , thn both are suppose to kiss the pinpong ,
not allowed to drop the pinpong .
after that is the craziest game !
7 kinds of different thing to be played in the captains' ball !
LOLs , [cabbage , rawblackchicken , potato , papaya , volleyball , tennisball and i cant rmb xD]
everyone was lyk crazy lah ! passing the black chicken ,
& its cold somemore ! throw up high in the air !
omgggg , damn siao !
hahaha;D lasted for lyk half an hour !?
everyone was dirty after that too !
then went for lunch break & my deardear came sch alr !
hehehex , met up with hym when i was having my lunch !
he had basketball match with east spring !
felt very weird when in the coffeeshop ,
cus deardear & me had been quarrelling the past few days ,
for a lil small matter or bigbig matter !
sorry deardear ):
still love you a lot ;D
went back sch , change & assemble in quadrangle for TRASURE HUNT !
wahaha ! was wearing damn stupid shirt x[
then played 3 stations of game ,
cant rmb in order , but briefly go thru the stations ,
-this stationn the guys have to wear BRA & shoot the basketball ,
if he misses 1 , he would have to put on make up !
hahaha ! my grp member only had lil make up being put on x]
-this station is pizza hut delivery , wahlao ! damn tired oki !
62353535 , 8 numbers , 8 different places to run to !
& its lyk from 1st floor to 4th floor , thn 4th floor to 2nd floor ,
was supposed to shout out the number until the game master hear you in the quadrangle .
-this station was to eateateat !
we chose the bucket that contains fruits !
omg , its lyk , banana , rambutan & baluku ! LOLs.
then last station had to eat biscuits again !
D; eat in field !
hahaha , old birds were the in-charged of the last station !
LOLs . mareesa , you neighbour is BOTAK now !
& i hear him & daryl force ppl to shout cheer of ,
hahaha ! my grp was first to finish the treasure hunt !
hohoho , we were suppose to look for someone that wears red underwear !
UNDERWEAR you know ,
you have to flip & flop everyone's shirt to see their underwear !
hahaha !
so it was agnes we first found ,
everyone in my team have to show her our underwear in order to 'exchange' for a glance of her underwear ! hahaha !
super duper paiseh ! xD
so we won , & we go disiao other team telling them the wrong person to look for !
hahaha ! i disiao karen & beautrice & jin's grps !
LOLs , karen is the grp that believe me MOST !
so they cant find any :)
hahaha ! so i went crazy & fill up water & spray in sight of everyone i see !
thn i made beau until she HOT !
hahaha , i swear she is HOT ;D
went quadrangle to report & had water bomb !
made everyone i see wet because i was crazy !
i filled up the 1.5 bottle & pour it to everyone !
damn funnnnnn ;D
after that took photo & i'll upload it asap !
successful camp (:
deardear came fetch me homed , dint felt lyk going home so went slacking under the block ;D
on the way home , saw michelle , shermin , rongji & 2 other of their fwens ,
so dear after sending me home went lan with them .
things always gones right when we are meeting each other !
no more quarrels oki ? ;D
reached home , ate dinner .
went thosom yohan with mom & bro .
cus we were all bo liao ,
although i was super tired ,
i went with them !
hahaha , went to eat swensens .
the sui zun is only lyk so-so .
thn went the kfc !
yuckkkkkkkks , damn disgusted .
its the worst kfc i eaten ,
wasted 15$ thr !
for a super duper kfc meal .
i lost my sense of taste that moment cus i ate too much ;x
ate everything & it taste lyk plain water / food !
after that took 166 to amkhub ,
wanted to watched 881 .
but thr no more ticket !
sooooo , we went k-box !
bro's treat ! sing sing sing until 12 plus went home & slept straight !
hahaha !
loveeeeeeeee the day !
ans to the lame joke , & i got 2 smart children !
a deaf person can speak ! wahahha . ;D
replies to tags :}
alvin } nvmnvm , a relationship cannot avoid quarrels , rmb to forgive & forget ! loveyouuuuu ;D relax relax , control yor temper lah ! LOVEs .
MaReeSa* } hahaha ! you're a smart children ! hohoho xD
Joyi } relinked ;D LOVes .
passer-by } i will surely last long with ALVIN . & i accept your apology ,tell me who you soon yea ? i promise alvin wont do anything to you de .
biying } i told you she/he love me more ! hahaha ;D thx for watching over my blog !
r0xie } jasmine(short) wong , ahahah ! yay , another smart children ! ;D
Ethel } ya lah , he sooooo HOT ! siao already luhs xD loveeees .
♀ SHERmin' } relax relax , last long with your dearrr ;D
yay , tata !
Monday, September 3
i dno whr pig ang go D:
someone entertain me plssssss !
lamejokes :
a mute went into a shop & wanted to buy a toothbrush ,
so he made the brushing teeth action in order for the shopkeeper to understand .
the shopkeeper could understand & got him the toothbrush .
how does a blind person buy a toothbrush ?
ans will be given nxt post !
tmr is SL camp !
woohoo , looking forward :D
byeees !
i knw i knw ,
we are always quarelling ,
im so sorry for my bad attitude towards you ,
sry , i know i've moodswing this few days .
all right dear ?
iloveyou ;D
Saturday, September 1

once a 206-ians , always a 206-ians .
i'm now starting to miss 2o6 voice already !
hurhurs :|
i will go on and on to elaborate ;D
dno what will happen to us when we all seperate D:
no more bhareth for me to bully ,
no more brandon's work to copy ,
no more kiansin to teach me maths ,
no more karen for me to diao & lame with ,
no more tzeyen to lame for me ,
no more jin to let me drink her water ,
no more beautrice for me to complain to ,
no more roxanne in DANCE class ,
no more shabana to pour all my troubles to ,
no more jasmine(S) for me to say her fish ,
no more ethel going toilet with me ,
no more bryon to do b-boxing ,
no more shaobeng to draw for the class ,
no more jordon to hear his lame-ness ,
no more wister , no more noise ! ,
no more nixon , no more loser ! ,
no more huizhong to hear his huh ,
no more henan the china frog ,
no more hongyi's i i i ,
no more jingyang slow motion's talking ,
no more yining's laughter ,
no more biying's rebellious to teacher ,
no more kenneth the gay ,
no more jasmine(t) to allow me bully kiansin ,
no more adeline to agree with me that karen is irritating ! ,
no more pamela loud voice ,
no more darylene's shouting ,
no more michelle the quiet one .
no more miss lisa wah english periods ,
no more mrs sim science lesson ,
no more mr peng chinese lesson ,
no more mr lee maths lesson ,
no more mr soo f&n lesson ,
no more mr zaman pe lesson ,
no more mrs amin literature lesson ,
no more mdm tan history lesson ,
together anymore D:
that's about it !
hahahah !
i really miss them now D:
last by not least , no more mar to go crazy with me D:
hurhurs :|
oki , enough of the thingy !
carry on in life !
hahahah !
ytd had a tournament ,
sadly , juniors' team dint won D:
majorly my fault ,
letting 3 goals to own goal ! D:
sooooooo grhxxxx .
but , proudly .
seniors & exexex seniors won a a a a ,
omg , CHAMPION oki !
damn shiokkkk :D
so now ,
soccer is my life , my passion , my always ! ^^
lastly ,
to my deardear !
thank you for sending me home ytd night !
love you load loads !
takecare of your BIG eyes oki !
hahaha !
yay , everyone's love !
byeeeees !
replies to tags }
joanne } hello ! tyty ;D LOVES .
ShiPei } hello jie ! now holis le , cant see youuuu D:
biying } hahaha , no lah , won dao bi , the most only everyone got influence by you & fail ! hahaha xD jkjk oki . my blog no more private ! nvm lah , he/she is good towards me not you ! hahah ! jealous ? x.x stead forever !
passer-by } oki , its all over :D mind telling who you are ?
shanaz } darling ! no lah ! hahaha , all sucky results D: youarelove !
Ethel } you got fwens all over the world ! ;D sexyyy ~ hahahaha !
♀ SHERmin' } lax lax ! all over already , thanks anw ! tc , LOVEs .