Been slacking the whole week, even tests i also didn't study.
Monday, after school went to baby's house with him. And then home.
Tuesday, house of the bones day! (: (inside joke) and tuition in the night.
Wednesday, went roam around AMK hub together with Jin, Kim, Tzy & Beau for Tzy's birthday present, we thought of giving her a Nokia 6500, but her Mum didn't allow her to buy(?)
Anyway, we are giving her a BIG angpao! Good right, birthday during CNY. everyone with many many pocket$. Haha. After that went to Kenny's house to see them play mahjong.. Pretty bored lah! Stupid baby don't want let me play, left around 5plus and baby pay $ let me cabbed home. Reach home and super angry with him for playing Life 4 Dead, stupid sial. Kill so many ZomBiesZx, go be a medium lah! zZz. Anyway, slept early but baby apologise to me. So, forgive you lah!
Today, went to have MacValue lunch @ chongboon Mac,
super saving okays! Hahaha! I'm rushing all of them to hurry because MacValue going to be overrrrrrr! :X Went hub to collect Baby and my new ring with him, and home after that.
My ring is nice de lorhszx! Heheheszx.
Mother is always Mother.
Nagging at me right now, and she doesn't believe that i DID not cry today.
whut the heck.
anyway, still loves her.
okays, pic overdue!
my baby act cute, hah.
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