B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz.These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. How has blogger changed your life?
keep me updated of my friends life :}
2. Do you daydream and if you do what do you usually find yourself 'dreaming' about?
daydream of me being super model :} jkjk, just stare blankly :/
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?
maybe pilot :}
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
thailand, i wanna live there forever :}
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
jump, don't understand.
6. What is your opinion on eating meat?
healthy and we shuld :}
7. Do you trust easily?
yes, and ppl shuld be given the chance to be trust.
8. Choose between thongs or g-string?
tongs?! g-string?! LOL.
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
yes, i think too much abt the bad things that's gonna happen. so makes myself DAMN sad.
10. What is your worst quality?
my brain.
11. What is happiness?
when i'm happy :D
12. How do you see yourself?
well, happy-go-lucky :D and supar cute ah!
nothing, i'm quite contented w myself :}
14. Do you think about sex often?
every 7 sec! (for boys) - based on sci. report.
15. What would you do if you won the lottery?
get myself a house in thailand and move there, or maybe just save and earn bank's interest but no, economy dying so we shuld spend, so i wuld go to th malls and spend like nobody's business.
15. Would you rather be in a happy marriage and poor or a bad marriage and rich?
happy marriage, and nothing beats better than being w your love ones.
16. Before you go to sleep, what do you usually think about?
i'm very tired alr, lol. baby :}
17. Where do broken hearts go?
hospital to heal.
18. Do you believe in fate?
yes, i doooooo!
19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
No. Although the money is tempting but don't say sex la, I cannot even imagine myself kissing him when I don't even know him. Goshsxz - (ans from esther :})
20. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender?
i don't know, my name was given by my uncle, so let's say he give me maybe he will name me as, pretty lee, cute lee, super lee, beautiful lee, wonderful lee. LOL.
The 8 people! -
1. Biying
2. Nicole
3. TzeYen
4. Roxanne
5. Racheal
6. Jasmine
7. EdwinSee!
8. Anyone who is bored like me!
start my post w another quiz,
lol, i think it's quite fun doing all the quizszxs :D
okays, i met baby as my mummy said i need not go visit ah ma at the hospital cus i'm going overseas like another 2/3 hours :}
so met baby at 11, then stupid dota!!!!
i tell you if i can, i wuld make dota a virus like cancer/HIV/hand-foot-mouth disease because baby's always playing this and ps meeeee!
super dl can!!!!!!!!!!
so i decided to spread the disease. LOL, curse and swear at dota. damn it.
called huiping and she's w her boyf so i called celine,
she's kind enough to accompany me!
so we decided to bus to thomson plaza,
and had our lunch there :} celine crazy one lo, ordered 25$ steak. gosh, supar ex lahsszx.
so we talked and i supar love her, see CELINE, I LOVE YOU okays!!!
so we went thosom plaza find jobs,
and she got a job at popular! lol, i'm her lucky star.
and she starts work tmr,
then homed abt 5 and huiping came find me @ my hse downstairs,
chatted and catch up a lotttt :D
lazy upload the pic took w her.
anw, i'll be back on sunday! weeeeeeeees.
miss me :D:D:D
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