( i'm just randomly picked from my links ;b)
1. Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name.
2. Who are you missing right now?
My Baby.
3. Your ex shows up randomly at your house , what do you say?
Hahaha, you not scare let Annie Ang beat ah!
4. How many bedrooms are in your house?
5. Is there a reason for your profile song ?
No, cus this skin i could not find a suitable place to put the song.
6. Do you hate the last girl you were talking to?
Regina, of cus not lah!
7. Who was your last text message from ?
8. What time did you wake up this morning ?
11 plus, ;x
9. If someone liked you right now , would you want them to tell you ?
No. Continue liking me! LOL.
10. Did you mean it when you last said "i love you" ?
Yah, of cus i doZ!
11. Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single ?
It's all right ;b
12. What is wrong with you now ?
Nothing's wrong.
13. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
Maybe 18 ;b
14. Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad ?
Depends ;b
15. Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"?
NO. and i don't really be friends w them.
16.Do you use T9 , word or abc?
T9 .
17.Do you tell your mum everything?
Not used to it.
18. Who was the last person you cried in front of ?
Should be Annie Ang.
19. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
Yes! A moment ago.
20.Who can you trust ?
My Annie Ang baby! my girlfriends (L)
Quiz 2.
1. Besides Your Lips, Where Is Your Favourite Spot To Get Kissed?
Forehead, super sweet ley.
2. How Did You Feel When You Woke Up This Morning?
Bright. (LOL, like tzy ans!)
3. Who Was The Last Person You Took A Picture Of?
Annie Ang.
4. Would You Consider Yourself To Be Spoiled?
No, i do housework, i dont take $ from my parents unnecessary. super guai okays!
5. Would You Ever Donate Blood?
To the mosquitoes.
6. Have You Ever Had A Best Friend Who Was Of The Opposite Sex?
Yah! more than one!
7. Do You Want Someone Dead?
Yah, that cb choco face. hate to see her fk choco face.
can this come true? :DDDDDD
8. What Does Your Last Text Message Says?
Baby i just tried on my clothes.
9. What Are You Thinking Right Now?
What to wear on sat.
10. Do You Wish Someone Was With You Right Now?
No, i'm using com and i don't like ppl to disturb me. LOL.
11. What Time Did You Go To Sleep Last Night?
One plus++++
12. Where Did You Buy The Shirt You're Wearing Now?
Thailand, 2 or 3 yrs ago.
13. Is Someone On Your Mind Right Now?
14. Who Was The Last Person To Text You?
The 9 person you just tagged:
15.Who Is The Number 2 Having A Relationship With?
Kwanwei, JianKeat.
16. Is 3 A Male Or A Female?
Illene, Female.
17. What Is Number 1 Studying About?
Sherlyn, i suppose is facebook! LOL.
18. When Was The Last Time You Had A Chat With Them?
Super long, when school ends? or maybe at chalet.
19. Is Number 4 Single?
Regina, ErHmMerMnm, of cus no lah!
20.Say Something About Number 2.
Kwanwei, my girlfriend! (:
21. What Do You Think About Number 3 And 6 Being Together?
Illene & Ethel, HAHAHA.
22.Describe Number 9.
YuanYing, pretty :b
23. What Will You Do If Number 6 And 7 Fights?
Ethel & Xinghao, prepared to be the refree!
Quiz 3.
1. What’s your nickname?
Cons. Meimei. DenDen.
2. How old are you?
3. When’s your birthday?
09 June
4. What’s your special skill?
I can drive go-kart! veli veli fast.
5. What’s your horoscope?
6. Who pass this survey to you?
Biying, Nicole, Tzeyen
7. She’s your….?
Girlfriends (:
8. What you wanna talk to him/her?
9. What you think about him/her?
short, stingy, supar lame.
(one for each!)
10. When you know him/her?
sec1, sec2, sec1
11. How’s her attitude?
sucks, sucks more, sucks even more.
LOL, just kidding!
they're super nice!
12. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yah, Babyyyyyyy Ang.
13. If one day , your lover tell you that he/she loves you too , how will you do ?
Kiss him on his lips.
14. Are you well-being now?
15. Why god give you courage ?
For me not to be so hum ji.
16. Who’s the people that you like ?
Annie Ang, Girlfs (:
17. Which color you like most ?
18. God give you 4 wishes:
1 . Last long with baby this time,
2 . smart, pretty
3 . give me give me give me money!
4 . i shall not be greedy, 3's enuff.
19. Do you like to smile and laugh ?
ever see me gloomy? LOL.
please don't swear and curse at me,
this all quiz is not i start one!
(refers to who pass to me this quiz)
i'm just back from bugis with AnnieA, Regina and monkey.
and baby told me to go w him to his cousin birthday party on saturday,
because his gugu ask his ahma to ask him to invite me to the party.
HAHAHA, super star ley, need so many ppl invite!
i got no ideas what to buy for tt lil boy,
tsktsk, baby says he will be buying rubik cubes,
then me leh!
wahlaoszxszx, headache.
walked the whole bugis street, been hunting clothes for th party.
wahlao! in the end baby told me 'just wear a singlet and jeans will do'
NO WAY LAHHHH. first time all the relatives all there sial.
i den dont wan!!!
i bought 2 dress, regi bought 2 too (:
no nice heels there ): so dint buy any,
anw, i'm super happy cus baby bought me my school bag.
that i aim super long can!

hahahha, and i bought black colour,
cus baby want black, jiu black lo!
hahaha, i brought home and showed my mother,
she asked me, you going overseas?
anw, super love my baby!
cab to baby's hse,
and then cabbed back to my house while he's in his stupid basketball game now.
nyona start liao!
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