1. Are you taller than your mom?
: yes , she's 142 i'm 153 ! high heels do their jobs :D
2 . What color is your shower curtain?
: dont have , plain cartoon lyk spongebob will be fine ^^
3. What is the closest thing to you
: boyfriend , friends & my 'pipi'
4. What is your ringtone?
: yi ran shi peng you
5. Does anything hurt on your bodyright now?
: heart :/
6 . What color is your favorite pillow?
: worn out pink colour :D
7. What is your favorite video game?
: sally's salon & diner dash & cake mania :D
8. Had a nap today?
: nopeeee
9. Gold or Silver?
: gold :D
10. What creeps you out?
: ghost stories ):
11. Who was the last person you rodean elevator with?
: wai po & da yi & mummy :D
12. Did you go ice skating as a kid?
: nope , i scare i will fall :/
13. Ever have stitches?
: nope , i'm healthy ! :x
14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
: peach tea packet ! all time fav :D
15. How long ago did you hug someone?
: today ! hug biying :D
16. What's something you want to do before you die?
: close eyes :D
1 7. Have you ever caught something on fire?
: yes , candles !
18. Have you ever seen a ghost?
: yes ! primary sch girls toilet ):
19. Have you ever seen northern lights?
: what's that gawd ?
20. Do you know how to use chop sticks?
: i'm a chinese :D
21. Name something good that happened today.
: got in thriple maths class and met dear ^^
22. What room are you in?
: bro's room ! my sleeping room too :D
23. Are you worried about something you can't control?
: time , boyfriend , love , money , attitude etc ..
24. Do you take daily medications?
: sort of , when i have rashes :{
25. Ever been in a fight?
: almost every alternate day ! sorry dear ):
26. Are you wearing nail polish?
: yes , shiny & protective coat :D
27 . What time is it?
: tiger time :D
28 . Innie or Outie?
: innie ? iner self beauty :D
29. Ever used a Ouija board?
: what's that ? .. alien board ? LOLs .
30. Sweet or Sour?
: sweet and sour at times :D
31 . Sun or Moon?
: sun , i'm watching sunset tmr ! :D
32. Favorite eye color of the opposite sex?
: sexy red :D but no one has it :x
33. Time of day you were born?
: 1231
34. Do you know your blood type?
: ab+ ; abnormal ! haha !
35. Do you know how to kill a zombie?
: take a tailman and stick on its forehead and kick the kuku ! :D
36.What would you spend 5,000 dollars on right now if you were handed it?
: give papa to do a proper health check , shopping , upgrade phone , new com , thailand !
37. Name something annoying in public transit.
: ppl kip kicking the chair in bus
38. Which animal(s) remind you of yourself?
: pig :x
39 . What's your background on your pc?
: with turtle ;D
40. Did you grow up in the city or country?
: city :D make any diff meh ?
41. Would you ever consider going on areality tv show if offered a large sum of money?!
: yes , i want to get famous . jk man ;x
42. Have you flown in your dreams?
: daydream ? most of the times !
43. What's one thing you're really good at cooking?
: real delicious maggie mee :D
44. Kisses or hugs?
: both are equally sweet !
45. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store. What would you get?
: sweets , soft drinks , tibits , notebook , plaster ! ;D
46. Slurpee flavor?
: apple & coke
mareesa's quiz :D
i got in 3o7 !
all the best to me :D
loves ;D
Wednesday, October 31
Tuesday, October 30
#201 post !
double yaaaaaaayness !
seems like i dont really update much but ,
biying , you wont win me by this number :x
dint went for training today ):
real sorry captain !
cus i tot daddy needed me to look after him because he had appentits(?)
i not suuure ,
but it was real serious last night ,
due to his stubborness , he dint want to go hospital !
i was very scare lahhhh ! almost cried !
cus seeing his facial expression lyk 'ouuuu , very pain very pain'
my heart also pain ! thanks dear ! he comforted me :D
so daddy's all right today , for a time being probably .
cus it will eract any moments ! :/
after a good night rest , woke up & wai po came my hse :D
together with da yi :D
soooooo they woke me up due to their 'meeting' .
thn we went to eat thn went amkhub !
i was wearing t-shirt & wad-ever pants you called that ! :/
sooooo , went bank to settle some of waipo's thingy thn we went home !
bath & met them again !
we went tpy to have our dimsum ,
but the dimsum service is :/
and the dimsum dont really taste nice ):
we went walking ard , & i bought a long sleeves dress :D
had desert and went home !
i saw darylene , adeline , shaobeng , jingyang , wister , hongyi , kenneth ! :D
pray and hoped that the streaming results tmr wuld be a good one :D
followed by is 1 nov and i'm going out with jiarui korrrrr :D
i'm going to have a spar with him !
hahaha ! cus he said he's fighter lyk :/
i think he more lyk a punching bag :D
and he said he played dota one when i asked him where he played -.-
okiiiii , tata ! bring back photos tmr ,
last last photo time D:
iloveyoudear ,
and so sry of these few days ):
shown you sooooo much attitude !
iloveyoudear (:
116days alreadyyyy !
double yaaaaaaayness !
seems like i dont really update much but ,
biying , you wont win me by this number :x
dint went for training today ):
real sorry captain !
cus i tot daddy needed me to look after him because he had appentits(?)
i not suuure ,
but it was real serious last night ,
due to his stubborness , he dint want to go hospital !
i was very scare lahhhh ! almost cried !
cus seeing his facial expression lyk 'ouuuu , very pain very pain'
my heart also pain ! thanks dear ! he comforted me :D
so daddy's all right today , for a time being probably .
cus it will eract any moments ! :/
after a good night rest , woke up & wai po came my hse :D
together with da yi :D
soooooo they woke me up due to their 'meeting' .
thn we went to eat thn went amkhub !
i was wearing t-shirt & wad-ever pants you called that ! :/
sooooo , went bank to settle some of waipo's thingy thn we went home !
bath & met them again !
we went tpy to have our dimsum ,
but the dimsum service is :/
and the dimsum dont really taste nice ):
we went walking ard , & i bought a long sleeves dress :D
had desert and went home !
i saw darylene , adeline , shaobeng , jingyang , wister , hongyi , kenneth ! :D
pray and hoped that the streaming results tmr wuld be a good one :D
followed by is 1 nov and i'm going out with jiarui korrrrr :D
i'm going to have a spar with him !
hahaha ! cus he said he's fighter lyk :/
i think he more lyk a punching bag :D
and he said he played dota one when i asked him where he played -.-
okiiiii , tata ! bring back photos tmr ,
last last photo time D:
iloveyoudear ,
and so sry of these few days ):
shown you sooooo much attitude !
iloveyoudear (:
116days alreadyyyy !
Sunday, October 28
i yearning for a reddish brown hair !
same as dear (:
but , my mother dont allow meeeeee to dye ! ):
cus my hair is unhealthy ,
if i dye would make it moreeeee unhealthy ):
hais , byebye reddish brown hair T__T
went to j8 library today with dear !
to return the story bk that i dint read finish !
hahaha .
return then went to ntuc buy dear's hairdye !
reddish brown !
thn after that went sweet-talk for a drink , old chang kee :D
cabbed to dear's home to help him dye hair !
im sooooooe envious can ):
dyedyedye then help him wash hair !
he lyk nvr let mama wash his hair before lyk that !
hahaha , when i scratch his head keep complaining pain ,
si ah gua :x
used com & he talked to huiqi ,
LOLs , and told huiqi he dyed hair ,
shit colour ! then dear jiu say i lyk shit ,
meaning he is shit ryt ?..
hahaha , stupid :x
homed ard 5plus then quarrel on the way back home ):
stupid dear lahhhhhh ):
we must xiang qin xiang ai oki !
loveloves !
p.s. anyone wanna go bowling ? (:
that's all ppl , tata !
same as dear (:
but , my mother dont allow meeeeee to dye ! ):
cus my hair is unhealthy ,
if i dye would make it moreeeee unhealthy ):
hais , byebye reddish brown hair T__T
went to j8 library today with dear !
to return the story bk that i dint read finish !
hahaha .
return then went to ntuc buy dear's hairdye !
reddish brown !
thn after that went sweet-talk for a drink , old chang kee :D
cabbed to dear's home to help him dye hair !
im sooooooe envious can ):
dyedyedye then help him wash hair !
he lyk nvr let mama wash his hair before lyk that !
hahaha , when i scratch his head keep complaining pain ,
si ah gua :x
used com & he talked to huiqi ,
LOLs , and told huiqi he dyed hair ,
shit colour ! then dear jiu say i lyk shit ,
meaning he is shit ryt ?..
hahaha , stupid :x
homed ard 5plus then quarrel on the way back home ):
stupid dear lahhhhhh ):
we must xiang qin xiang ai oki !
loveloves !
p.s. anyone wanna go bowling ? (:
replies to tags :}
JINHUI } hahaha , if you become bangala i cannot be racist leh ): so dont
be bangala oki ! loveeeeees super dear ! hahaha ! (: xoxo
Ethel } miss you too :D if can get into 3o8 , i wuld go your class and jio
to pon class with me ! hahaha ! neighbours :x
charmaine } hello hello ! shure shure :D welcomeeeee (:
r0xie } heyyyy ! i'm not ye man nu you lyk turtle :x hahaha ! cus he will
be very naughty wad , so give him no father's dayyyyy ! yay :D
tZY ((: } i had alr missed you girl ! hahaha :D just pray we wuld be in the
same class with mario & lugi ! hahaha :D loveeeees !
that's all ppl , tata !
Friday, October 26

goodbye 206 ! come on 307 , (pls , i just want a 3o7 is good enough!)
2 yrs just passed lyk this ,
i mean soooooo fast all right !
i kinda miss 2o6 at this moment !
cus 2 yrs de gan qing not say forget jiu forget de ! ):
hope there's a last last last class chalet for us to bond !
and tada , no more of 206 !
it wuld all be in the history already ):
seeSEEsee !
tho nth can be done right now to salvage our 206 gan qing ,
hahah ! now is to treasure each & everyone of youuuuu (:
p.s. mar : i wrote your name on the wall ! together with mineeee :D takecare all right ! 206 miss you loadssss (: & i miss you loads too !
had photo taking when coming to sch end ,
shall post it once i received !
ohhhhhgawd , pls let me go in a class with majority 206 !
i'm gonna cry i go in the class with 207 ppls ):
they are sucha self centred ppl can !
all right ! tat's all 206 (:
loveeeees <3
confirm working on 12 nov !
so gotta be there on 11 nov for packing & loading of goods ):
wth ):
sry dear i really would not have a lot of time for you !
must takecare of yourself too much oki ?
do what you SHULD be doing !
if not i chop off your kuku (:
bbyes 206 ' o6 (:
Sunday, October 21
finally here to post !
hahaha , aft 238745897 yrs !
com is siao one ,
sometimes oki , sometimes mad !
LOLs .
had only some pics upload ,
as i'm super lazy to upload anymore !
tsktsk , and fwenster dont allow me to upload all theses pics >:(
ohhhhhthehell ):
shall post wad i can rmb :
had bowling on tues,
think so , yeah . learn all the tactics !
and my coach praised me that i culd position well !
hahah ! beau was walking catwalk when her turn to bowl .
darn funny :x jasmine yeo is one pro luhs !
her ball damn straight de !
hahaha ! must be she too tall hand more powerful !
had fun ^^
wed & thurs sooooo i'm at homed !
hahaha !
rabbit* called my mom & asked why i wasnt in sch !
LOLs , how kpo is he !
he even told my mom i went out with dear ytd lahhhhhs ):
humphs >:(
nbm , tmr is LAST day liaooooo !
yipppeeeee ~
will be working at cuppage during holis !
and it's 10 to 10 !
omgawd !
i wuld lyk no time to game , to post , and no more extra time for dear !
sooooooo sad ):
*deon honey gotta rearrange time with you again oki? concentrate on your O's ! jiayou^^
yeahhhh ! that's the update for the time being ! loveees !
replies to tags :}
Ethel } sry lah girl , my com was siao mah so couldnt update much ! now update le wor :D stupid rabbit ! soooooo KPO !
JIN X)): } hahaha , so fun ! :D
r0xie } thanks ! love girl ! :D
JINHUI } super dear ! takecare toooooooos ! aisini lerhs :D <3
biying } wad secret ? hardly talk to you nowadays leh ! LOLs , miss you steadddd !
yuanying } thanks pretty ! :D you thn pretty , i'm not (;
nat:D } relinked ! takecareeeee toooooo ! misses ; xoxo
pRISCILLa x): } thanks ! :D takecare tooooos !
deon } welcome :D updated alr :D love & miss ! xoxo
beau } hahahah ! say want go m&d dint worrrr :x thanks !

hahaha , aft 238745897 yrs !
com is siao one ,
sometimes oki , sometimes mad !
LOLs .
had only some pics upload ,
as i'm super lazy to upload anymore !
tsktsk , and fwenster dont allow me to upload all theses pics >:(
ohhhhhthehell ):
shall post wad i can rmb :
had bowling on tues,
think so , yeah . learn all the tactics !
and my coach praised me that i culd position well !
hahah ! beau was walking catwalk when her turn to bowl .
darn funny :x jasmine yeo is one pro luhs !
her ball damn straight de !
hahaha ! must be she too tall hand more powerful !
had fun ^^
wed & thurs sooooo i'm at homed !
hahaha !
rabbit* called my mom & asked why i wasnt in sch !
LOLs , how kpo is he !
he even told my mom i went out with dear ytd lahhhhhs ):
humphs >:(
nbm , tmr is LAST day liaooooo !
yipppeeeee ~
will be working at cuppage during holis !
and it's 10 to 10 !
omgawd !
i wuld lyk no time to game , to post , and no more extra time for dear !
sooooooo sad ):
*deon honey gotta rearrange time with you again oki? concentrate on your O's ! jiayou^^
yeahhhh ! that's the update for the time being ! loveees !
replies to tags :}
Ethel } sry lah girl , my com was siao mah so couldnt update much ! now update le wor :D stupid rabbit ! soooooo KPO !
JIN X)): } hahaha , so fun ! :D
r0xie } thanks ! love girl ! :D
JINHUI } super dear ! takecare toooooooos ! aisini lerhs :D <3
biying } wad secret ? hardly talk to you nowadays leh ! LOLs , miss you steadddd !
yuanying } thanks pretty ! :D you thn pretty , i'm not (;
nat:D } relinked ! takecareeeee toooooo ! misses ; xoxo
pRISCILLa x): } thanks ! :D takecare tooooos !
deon } welcome :D updated alr :D love & miss ! xoxo
beau } hahahah ! say want go m&d dint worrrr :x thanks !

Wednesday, October 17
i can forgive you easily ,
but i cant forgive myself for all those foolish temper ,
foolish troubles i had given you .
i'm sorry dear ):
seriously ,
i got myself into deep deep thinkings .
i'm not a good girlfriend ,
i'm not the one who you shuld love .
because you can live happier without all my nonsense ,
you can go out with your friends all you want .
you can go out to work without worrying me ,
you can stop all your tears flowing everytime we quarrel .
maybe i had hurt you too much ,
you shuld forget me :@
it's all up to you , dear .
could i still call you dear ?..
current mood : moodless ):
back from yishun at my big auntie's hse .
went over to fetch wai po , aft her kidney dialysis .
i'm not shure how to say , but it's xi sheng in chinese .
thn we went over to 628 amk ave 6 ,
soooo , the whole market was BURNT !
very very jialiat leh ):
the rooftop even drop out ):
and the stalls de metal thingy ,
all melted !
heard from my ah ma that someone was burnt ):
sooooo poor thing ! ._.
hope they can recover from their loses soon !
went over upper thomson road over at a full of china ppl's cafe to eat ,
so it's lyk ):
eeeewwww !
oilyOILY and many many OILS !
yucks , the thought of it makes me eeee ):
sent waipo & big auntie to yishun & help wai po massage thn homed :D
on our way home ,
mum recalled abt ah gong ,
the closest to me & he passed away when i was 6 or 7 .
i dint had a lot memory as i was too small ,
but i could recall bits and bits .
mum said ah gong had cancer ,
vomited blood in the car for 2 times ,
thn aft admitted to hospital ,
he vomited again ,.
i was feeling crying for a moment ,
cus i could recall back how ah gong suffering ,
he even wanted to see me for the last time ,
i could rmb , mum said i cried badly whenever i see ah gong suffer .
oh my ):
i miss ah gong ):
cherish all your family now , when you can .
i think my mood nowadays is ):
keep on quarreling with dear ,
ytd was a serious one .
i banged the door at him D:
oh my ):
dear cried badly ):
he said i am 2 constance alr ,
i hoped not ,
dear , millions of sorry ):
today no school ,
cus it's the promotion exercise ,
so i took out the option form ,
i asked my father ,
wad shuld i chose ,
he said i shuld chose accounts .
i dont knw ,
bro said i culd get a job straight aft my O's .
deep in serious thinking of what i shuld take D:
updating all pic's & all videos asap :D
will be working at my bro's & cousin newly stall abt in mid-nov if possible !
they are opening a push cart stall at i-dont-knw-whr ard orchard .
i will be working with my esther cousin :D
maybe working will take all troubles away ,
for at least a while .
looking for a skin too ,
think im not as sweet as my skin ):
i miss you dear ):
but i cant forgive myself for all those foolish temper ,
foolish troubles i had given you .
i'm sorry dear ):
seriously ,
i got myself into deep deep thinkings .
i'm not a good girlfriend ,
i'm not the one who you shuld love .
because you can live happier without all my nonsense ,
you can go out with your friends all you want .
you can go out to work without worrying me ,
you can stop all your tears flowing everytime we quarrel .
maybe i had hurt you too much ,
you shuld forget me :@
it's all up to you , dear .
could i still call you dear ?..
current mood : moodless ):
back from yishun at my big auntie's hse .
went over to fetch wai po , aft her kidney dialysis .
i'm not shure how to say , but it's xi sheng in chinese .
thn we went over to 628 amk ave 6 ,
soooo , the whole market was BURNT !
very very jialiat leh ):
the rooftop even drop out ):
and the stalls de metal thingy ,
all melted !
heard from my ah ma that someone was burnt ):
sooooo poor thing ! ._.
hope they can recover from their loses soon !
went over upper thomson road over at a full of china ppl's cafe to eat ,
so it's lyk ):
eeeewwww !
oilyOILY and many many OILS !
yucks , the thought of it makes me eeee ):
sent waipo & big auntie to yishun & help wai po massage thn homed :D
on our way home ,
mum recalled abt ah gong ,
the closest to me & he passed away when i was 6 or 7 .
i dint had a lot memory as i was too small ,
but i could recall bits and bits .
mum said ah gong had cancer ,
vomited blood in the car for 2 times ,
thn aft admitted to hospital ,
he vomited again ,.
i was feeling crying for a moment ,
cus i could recall back how ah gong suffering ,
he even wanted to see me for the last time ,
i could rmb , mum said i cried badly whenever i see ah gong suffer .
oh my ):
i miss ah gong ):
cherish all your family now , when you can .
i think my mood nowadays is ):
keep on quarreling with dear ,
ytd was a serious one .
i banged the door at him D:
oh my ):
dear cried badly ):
he said i am 2 constance alr ,
i hoped not ,
dear , millions of sorry ):
today no school ,
cus it's the promotion exercise ,
so i took out the option form ,
i asked my father ,
wad shuld i chose ,
he said i shuld chose accounts .
i dont knw ,
bro said i culd get a job straight aft my O's .
deep in serious thinking of what i shuld take D:
updating all pic's & all videos asap :D
will be working at my bro's & cousin newly stall abt in mid-nov if possible !
they are opening a push cart stall at i-dont-knw-whr ard orchard .
i will be working with my esther cousin :D
maybe working will take all troubles away ,
for at least a while .
looking for a skin too ,
think im not as sweet as my skin ):
i miss you dear ):
Monday, October 15
hungryHUNGRYhungry !
omgawd , i'm now starving can ):
grhhhh :@
bck from jin's hse & amk hub :D
double yayness ,
cus im with my deardear & i sang !
dint really sing ltr on cus i was too tired & went sleeping !
aft tat woke up , play sims2 & i-dont-knw wad games !
thn they were downstairs watching dvds !
had volka but it taste eeeewwwww ):
i dont lyk ! not sweet at all !
bitter alcohol taste D:
boooo ~
back to amk hub ,
bought my mum her 'im not a plastic bag' for her.
she was happy :D
homed :D
i miss my baby dear ):
yawns D:
omgawd , i'm now starving can ):
grhhhh :@
bck from jin's hse & amk hub :D
double yayness ,
cus im with my deardear & i sang !
dint really sing ltr on cus i was too tired & went sleeping !
aft tat woke up , play sims2 & i-dont-knw wad games !
thn they were downstairs watching dvds !
had volka but it taste eeeewwwww ):
i dont lyk ! not sweet at all !
bitter alcohol taste D:
boooo ~
back to amk hub ,
bought my mum her 'im not a plastic bag' for her.
she was happy :D
homed :D
i miss my baby dear ):
yawns D:
Sunday, October 14
yesYESyesYES !
tmr going jin hse for ktv session !
thn going out with ethel for shopping !
together with yining & jasmine wong ! :D
i not sureeee yet ):
cus i bringing alvin ang !
or probably , no .
i bring back many many photos tmr !
& yesyesyes !
mummy's planning to go thailand !
yes , mar ! here i commmmmmmmeeeee ! :D
bye ppl , post tmr !
tmr going jin hse for ktv session !
thn going out with ethel for shopping !
together with yining & jasmine wong ! :D
i not sureeee yet ):
cus i bringing alvin ang !
or probably , no .
i bring back many many photos tmr !
& yesyesyes !
mummy's planning to go thailand !
yes , mar ! here i commmmmmmmeeeee ! :D
bye ppl , post tmr !
Friday, October 12
chinesepaper1 - 56/70
chinesepaper2 - 55/70
lit - 45/60
englishpaper2 - 41.5/60
englishpaper1 - 19/30 + 20/25 = 39/55
mathspaper1 - 35/50
mathspaper2 - 23/50
mathspaper1&2 - 58/100
science - 47/100
art - 57/100
history - 42/65
HheElLoO !
i'm super happy right now ,
or rather today !
hahhhhhhhahhhhhhahhhha .
see the results ,
im soooo satisfied ! :D
esp my LIT ,
when i wrote a lot crapssss inside !
hahhhh !
3 cheers for the marker ! :x
having high hopes to study in 3o7 !
3 maths 3 maths 3 maths here i comeeeee !
LOLs .
only my sci is such a disappointment :(
but nvm ,
i am happy with other results !
hohoho xD
if i dint get into 3o7 ,
maybe i'll chose to go pure geo !
cus i dont wan :
d&t - see that lanjiao bin .
f&n - sooo tedious !
artartart - my hands arent working that well !
hahahah !
and that stupid alvin ang ,
pass only 2 ~
that is only sci & mt !
which i failed in sci !
so i whack him !
hohohoh xD
ohhhh ! ppl after reading pwuease please please tag !
its lyk making my blogggg sooooo dead can :(
seeing the counters rising but tags NOT increasinggg D:
i feel lyk singing & singing in jin hse !
hahaha !
going to her hse for ktv session :x
double yaynessssss ! ^^v
looking forward to sch holis !
whr i can go out to work !
my mummy agreeeeee !
hehehex :x
thn first i nid to have a haircuttttt !
or going for an extension?
seeing many many ppl did extension makes me feels lyk too !
i want a SPECIAL colour !
or i will dye my hair !
but if thr are tournaments ,
i will be bannnn from playingggg D:
confirm chop chop de D:
today was released ard 10.45 !
cor my dad upon knowing the results !
hopefully they are happy as i am !
cus they dint show any disappointment !
hahahah !
double yayness !
thn played murderer in class & dai di !
hohoho xD
going bowling sooooooon :D
with the sch of cus !
yay !
deon honey :
umm , sry for not replying your msg that day ,
firstly i was engross in my games !
hah , so i forgotten D;
srrrrryyyyy ):
andand secondly ,
my hp bill burstttt ):
sry ! i will msg you asap !
hopefully by 15 oki ;D
miss you ! & study hard ! ;D
jiayouuuu :D
& its 100 day for me & dear !
yay ! LOVEloveLOVE !
oki , bbbbbbbbyyyyyyeeeeeees !
Wednesday, October 10
my blog is not that dead anymore ;x
but i think that my posting & blogging method is boring
shall change shall change !
hawhaw ;x
things that im going to do :
1. change blogskin
2. go out go out go out !
3. meet my deon gf !
4. meet yongxinnnnn ! ;D
5. cycling at east coast !
6. celebrate rox's belated bdae!
7. out with ethel !
8. write & send a letter to sijing !
9. finish reading my storybook !
10. runnnnningggg !
11. slpslpslp!
12. haircut !
and that shuld be all for now first !
hahaha !
cus im sooo sian after playing wedding dash & diner dash jus now !
the games are sooooo good !
okiiii !
bye ppl !
but i think that my posting & blogging method is boring
shall change shall change !
hawhaw ;x
things that im going to do :
1. change blogskin
2. go out go out go out !
3. meet my deon gf !
4. meet yongxinnnnn ! ;D
5. cycling at east coast !
6. celebrate rox's belated bdae!
7. out with ethel !
8. write & send a letter to sijing !
9. finish reading my storybook !
10. runnnnningggg !
11. slpslpslp!
12. haircut !
and that shuld be all for now first !
hahaha !
cus im sooo sian after playing wedding dash & diner dash jus now !
the games are sooooo good !
okiiii !
bye ppl !
Tuesday, October 9
currently in roxanne hse using her mom's laptop!
actually shuld be having some meetings with the excos ,
but the SL's training programme was cancel !
so the whole meeting was cancel ;x
finished last paper lyk 3h ago ;[
the overall paper is errrr ):
double sadnesssssss ):
i think im preparing to go 3o5 !
not anymore of 3o7 ):
sooooo ! 1 thing i can say now is play harddd !
thn i'll decide to go work or not !
hahahas ,
working make my shopping easier ;x
maybe this few days wuld be in front of the com rotting ,
or probably go out with parentsor dear !
longgggg longggg time nvr go out with dear ! ;x
fri wuld be going to check paper !
dno its a gd thing or bad thing !;[
wed & thur we're off !
marking day !
sooooooo , maybe tmr going celebrate rox's belated bdaeee !
so sick now ):
been sneezing frm morning to now !
maybe you're missing me ;x
had a super strange & QI YOU CI LI dream !
hahas ! stupid dream !
maybe going change to live journal alr !
cus blogspot is very sian ):
hahaha !
culd not blog in diff colours or wording ):
oki pokie :D
im going play hard nowwwww !
waiting for 13th nov to com to go out with my honey !
seriously miss her loads ):
3 days nvr sms her !
dno how's she doing !
bye babysssss ! :D
actually shuld be having some meetings with the excos ,
but the SL's training programme was cancel !
so the whole meeting was cancel ;x
finished last paper lyk 3h ago ;[
the overall paper is errrr ):
double sadnesssssss ):
i think im preparing to go 3o5 !
not anymore of 3o7 ):
sooooo ! 1 thing i can say now is play harddd !
thn i'll decide to go work or not !
hahahas ,
working make my shopping easier ;x
maybe this few days wuld be in front of the com rotting ,
or probably go out with parentsor dear !
longgggg longggg time nvr go out with dear ! ;x
fri wuld be going to check paper !
dno its a gd thing or bad thing !;[
wed & thur we're off !
marking day !
sooooooo , maybe tmr going celebrate rox's belated bdaeee !
so sick now ):
been sneezing frm morning to now !
maybe you're missing me ;x
had a super strange & QI YOU CI LI dream !
hahas ! stupid dream !
maybe going change to live journal alr !
cus blogspot is very sian ):
hahaha !
culd not blog in diff colours or wording ):
oki pokie :D
im going play hard nowwwww !
waiting for 13th nov to com to go out with my honey !
seriously miss her loads ):
3 days nvr sms her !
dno how's she doing !
bye babysssss ! :D
Friday, October 5
Kiss on the hand = I adore you
Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends
Kiss on the neck = I want you
Kiss on the lips = I love you
Kiss on the ears = I am just playing
Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away
Look in your eyes = kiss me
Playing with your hair = I can't live without you
Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you go
Article 2:
The Three Steps
Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.
Article 3:
The Commandments
Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
The way they call you after you just had a big fight.
The way she says 'lets not fight anymore'
even though you know that an hour later....
The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
The way they fall into your arms when they cry
Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
The way they say 'I miss you'
The way you miss them
The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.
This chain started in 1997.
It is a love chain letter.
just had a mail, it's lyk 837445yrs before de!
anyway, i guess it's so true!
i think the most marks i getting out of 80 is 40+,
just pass de borderline marks.
cus i really dno wad i crapping ):
SBQ are totally _|_
so hard can ):
this paper, no use alr );
i crapCRAPcrap A LOT ):
saying the same things over & over again ):
_|_ animal farm!
oki, no confidence at all ):
got all the ans diff from ethel!
she's super in maths !
awww _|_
easy easy!
i was contented with my compo ^^
yay! ;D
2 more papers to go,
mugging real hard for science & mathspaper2!
going j8library with girlfriends tmr ;D
2mthstoplay ^^
yay !
i want to go shopping:D
i want to go swimming:D
i want to go ktv with ethel,karen&girlfriends!:D
i want to go town with honeygf&ros:D
i want my 3mths with deardear:D
yayyyyyyyyyyness !
loveeeees !
Kiss on the hand = I adore you
Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends
Kiss on the neck = I want you
Kiss on the lips = I love you
Kiss on the ears = I am just playing
Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away
Look in your eyes = kiss me
Playing with your hair = I can't live without you
Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you go
Article 2:
The Three Steps
Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.
Article 3:
The Commandments
Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
The way they call you after you just had a big fight.
The way she says 'lets not fight anymore'
even though you know that an hour later....
The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
The way they fall into your arms when they cry
Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
The way they say 'I miss you'
The way you miss them
The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.
This chain started in 1997.
It is a love chain letter.
just had a mail, it's lyk 837445yrs before de!
anyway, i guess it's so true!
i think the most marks i getting out of 80 is 40+,
just pass de borderline marks.
cus i really dno wad i crapping ):
SBQ are totally _|_
so hard can ):
this paper, no use alr );
i crapCRAPcrap A LOT ):
saying the same things over & over again ):
_|_ animal farm!
oki, no confidence at all ):
got all the ans diff from ethel!
she's super in maths !
awww _|_
easy easy!
i was contented with my compo ^^
yay! ;D
2 more papers to go,
mugging real hard for science & mathspaper2!
going j8library with girlfriends tmr ;D
2mthstoplay ^^
yay !
i want to go shopping:D
i want to go swimming:D
i want to go ktv with ethel,karen&girlfriends!:D
i want to go town with honeygf&ros:D
i want my 3mths with deardear:D
yayyyyyyyyyyness !
loveeeees !
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