
Thursday, October 19

ii just f0und 0ut that.
l0ve d0esnt matter whr y0u are.
heard a st0ry fr0m mareesa.
its was her senior or something lyk c0usin.
in thailand.
then lets name the guy - john
the girl - sally
j0hn nn sally were b0th fr0m thailand.
here iin singapore to study.
den when they first met in singapore.
they were only 13.
they love each other deeply when they first see each other.
they were both the first love of one another.
they been thr0ugh f0r 4 yrs in singapore.
till they graduate.
after that , j0hn"S parent wants him to g0 american t0 study.
j0hn had t0 sacrifice 4;5 yrs there..
with0ut sally.
&& sally let him go.
why ? because sally trust john completely.
they nvr had any fights bef0re.
after the 4;5 yrs. theyy g0t married straight after that.
nn now.
they have a few childrens.

h0w w0nderful is that.
so sweet ! so lovely.
ahahas. i will nvr be able to do that.

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