I'm here to describe how it feels and how to prepare for it!!!!
And also part of my experience being a army-boy-girlfriend.
If you're sticky girlfriend like me, used to go anywhere together, eat together, work together, shit together before Army then probably you might have to take a little longer time to adapt to the "weekdays single hood".
Firstly, your boyfriend IS not going to leave you so do not hate the army or curse and swear on your twitter that he is not coming back to you. Please lah, the most only 2 weeks for SAF and for lucky me, Alvin booked out on Friday when he's enlisted on Tuesday!
What you should do during this 2 weeks: meet up with the girlfriends that you always want to meet, take a break for yourself (for me i went Thailand straight on the next day after the enlistment), do whatever you like. Treat it as a good 2 weeks holiday and start pampering yourself! Catch up on all the running man episodes, do mani/pedi, read blogs, blog, tumblr. Anything that can help you ease the missing-boyfriend-feeling, DO IT. It will help you not to be moody or miss your boyfriend a lot.
Secondly, do not expect calls or texts everyday. I know girls always like waiting for their boyfriend to give them a call after a long day of training and talk to you on phone BUT everyday is not Friday so don't expect that from the boys. I used to be very grumpy and hated Alvin for not replying me texts or not wanting to talk to me on the phone but after some of my friends told me it's normal then i started not to let it bother me. Sometimes you have so much to tell him but he would just say "I'm very tired, can I go sleep already?" without hearing the full story... Which makes me upset and disappointed because I waited one whole freaking day for this 10 minutes of your time you still don't want listen?!! You will not feel love from boyfriend on weekdays...
But, XI GUAN JIU HAO!!! lol.
Just bombard him on weekends then!
Thirdly, the boys will be more excited and afraid of Army life so do not keep mentioning of how many days left to enlistment, GHOSTS, or any other thing that scare them. They're human too right? hahaha. Be a supportive girlfriend, instead of doing the bo liao stuff, help him prepare for army. Buy him necessities, help him packed, make him feel prepared for the rough days ahead.
Fourthly, guys probably feel or heard from his friends that their girlfriends would run away during their army life. Be sure to assure him. And at the same time, you need to give him time to rest. Plan surprises, cook a simple meal for him. Having a dota/basketball freak boyfriend, I had only spend either a Sat/Sun with Alvin for the first few months. He needs to release the stress too. But I think it's okay for me! This is just a part and parcel of growing up. And guys, if she leaves, she isn't the one anymore.
Fifthly, prepared for your boy to become a MAN! Rumors said that the guys tend to mature during army and I can say that it really teaches Alvin and I some life lessons. It's not only him that grow, I did grow and learn too. I learn to be more independent despite being a sticky girlfriend, I still remembered I traveled alone to MBS for work, which I dint did before but now it was so normal for me. Guys tend to feel more sensitive during this period so make sure we girls do our part on proper communications!!
I'll end my five points on army but I have much more to share! SO stay with me if you would like to know more :')

You girls will be. x