Last night a lot of things went thru my mind, all the good ones, bad ones.
It happens recently, i can't get to sleep until 4am.
So my mind keeps thinking of a lot of stuff.
I used to be such a blogger addictive! (ever since sec 1) when blogging was so 'IN'.
then idk when did i kick off this blogging habit.
i told my blog all my memories, just in case i forget it when im old.
or probably could show it to my grandchildren of how you ah ma looks like when she's 14.
got this from tumblr!:
10 simple things that make me smile
- Hugging someone after crying.
- Finally peeing or pooping after a long car ride.
- Getting a high score after studying so hard.
- Heart-to-hearts with your bestfriend.
- Lying down on your bed knowing that you have no deadlines to rush.
- Going home early and seeing your favorite meal.
- Getting to lie on your own bed after a long vacation.
- Your dog running excitedly towards you after a long day.
- Being told how much you mean to someone.
- A thank you.
how true! and i kinda miss all my best friends now..
i wonder how have they been.
sometimes i wonder if i am a bad friend cos out of 10 times outing,
i fail to go 9 times? urgh. it doesnt feel like when in Deyi times.
after school, slack tgt, study tgt!! hub tgt!! now it's just many many different type of us.
if any of my girlf see this, I MISS ALL OF YOU GIRLIES!! :(
and recently, i got back with Alvin. it seems like this cycle would not stop..
maybe we're just so used to each other that every time we broke up, we end up tgt.
maybe it's not breaking up, much of 'cooling period' i guess?
anyway, this recent thai trip had included a suan ming session with the monk.
guess what? he only took my dob and started telling me TRUTH that i almost burst into tears.
he said, 'you're in love with someone right?' /nods head
'don't worry, he loves you a lot now, he needs you more than you need him.' he used to treat you very badly too right? dont worry, it's all in the past. he knows how to treats you well now..'
and he says 'don't think of going into relationship that isnt going to last, you need him, and you know it.' with mom's disapproval beside, he continues, 'mama, dont worry, she's in good hands.'
aww, thinking of it makes me cry. and he also mention that my life will get better if im married. hahaha, no money how to get marry?
freaking but true, believe it a not. up to you ;)

baby's hug is the best thing ever. :)
couldnt get a part time job this holidays, guess im suppose to rot at home every single day with $20 cash in bank. tsk, hard life for me!!! :(
all right, guess i need to go look for pretty blogskins!!